Last Friday, I began my journey down to Campus Crusade headquarters. I got to stay with some friends along the way. Splitting up the drive made it bearable. I was excited to get down to Orlando, meet my team and start my job!
I arrived Sunday evening, meeting all of my roommates (Sara, Erin and Sharon). I unloaded, freshened up, and with my new roommates, headed to the guy interns house for our celebration dinner. It was great to meet my new team and hear a little bit about how God lead them to this unique internship.
The next morning started our 3 day retreat filled with, planning, vision casting, games and team norms. I think we gelled pretty well. During the tail end of our retreat, we met the ministry team serving at Disney (YES, there is a team of people who's focus is Disney. Think about it, over 5,000 international employee's cycling through each year? It's the nations coming to us!). They were every enthusiastic and excited for us to be joining them every Friday. I am looking forward to this too because I am hoping to meet several French girls who I can practice French with, but more importantly show them God's overwhelming love for them.
The days following the retreat have been "unpack and set up life" time. I spent some time at the local DMV yesterday getting my Florida Driver's license (defiantly not as nice looking as Michigan, but I may be biased) :) .
I am looking forward to going to church tomorrow and meeting some of the locals and getting plugged in. We'll see what this new week will bring, cause this last one was jam packed with many new experiences!
Here are a few photos:
Some of my family the morning I left.
The Cline Family - I stayed with them in Atlanta, Georgia.


My new bike which I plan on riding to work which is about half a mile away.