To my happy surprise, Meena decided to come! The night before Thanksgiving, I picked up Meena from her apartment and we went grocery shopping for Thanksgiving deserts! We made apple pie and chocolate pilgrim hat cookies. Thanksgiving morning, we watched the Macy’s parade with friends. Around lunchtime, we joined my roommate’s church in hosting a Thanksgiving lunch for people who live in a trailer park. We made the kids gospel bracelets. It was so cool to watch Meena, who is still seeking a personal relationship with God, explain to the kids the meaning behind the gospel bracelets. On our way home, Meena shared that she liked giving back to the community.

After we watched some football and took a nap, we headed to my friend’s home for dinner. One of the other guests there was a woman named Bryn. She was so warm, welcoming and engaging. It was apparent she is a woman of God because as she spoke with us, I could see the Holy Spirit using her to love and care for Meena by asking intriguing questions. I even felt like I walked away from the conversation, wanting to know God on a deeper level. Later when we got home, Meena brought up some of the things we had talked about with Bryn and we were able to discuss them further – grace, not being perfect, God’s work in our lives.
Meena and me with our apple pie!
I so enjoyed the time I spent with Meena over the Thanksgiving break. It made me take a fresh look and why we celebrate. It was also just fun to hang out with Meena - she is a very sweet girl. Tonight, we are going out to dinner together to the American restaurant The Cheesecake Factory at her request :)