Thursday, August 16, 2012

STINT Briefing 2012

Friends! I am very excited to be in Chicago this week. I've met up with supporters/friends both new and old. Tonight, I came to the 2012 STINT Briefing. I attended it two years ago before heading to France as a STINTer. It is a time of preparation for the year of ministry ahead.

I am attending it this time as Jesus Film staff! My teammate Nifer and I will be giving a vision/explanation for Jesus Film (Friday between 11:00 am -12:30 pm CST). Specifically, we will be explaining all the cool new tools and videos available in most languages of the world! Please pray our time is well spent!

Tonight alone, I was able to share with STINTers going to Italy, Bosnia, Slovenia, Ghana and France about the new app (I have the trial app on my phone! It's so cool!)!!! There are 380 STINTers going to 35 countries. These Jesus Film tools will be a great aide in ministry.

The Jesus Film Media app for Apple products will be released soon, with Android soon to follow. For more info, visit:

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Back in December, I went to a Cru conference called 'Indy Christmas Conference'. It was here that I first met Tracy. We talked about a good big about interning with Cru. A few months later, our paths crossed again at another Cru conference called 'Big Break' in Panama City Beach, Florida. Tracey shared with me she was strongly considering interning with Cru - specifically with the Year One intern program I did this past year!
"I am really excited to see what God has in store for me in Orlando. I expect to be challenged and stretched in many ways. I'm most excited to be with a community of believers and work in a hospitality capacity planning events, as I am a Hospitality Business graduate from Michigan State University. 
Being able to use my college experience and skills in ministry will be a new platform that I am eager to learn about. Cru was such a vital part of my time as a student that I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to influence other students in their walks with the Lord through the conferences and events I will help plan over the next year. 
From the day I heard of YearOne till now, Hannah has answered questions, shared past experiences, and guided me in my decision making process. It has been absolutely wonderful knowing someone who has gone through it all before. 
In my life.. would you keep my Grandparents in your prayers as they are going through a transition in life at the age of 90 and are in need of physical healing! Also, I ask that you keep me and my new intern team in your prayers as we accumulate to our new life in FL."

Check out her blog: