Sunday, October 28, 2012


I can wait. But, at the same time… I can’t. But I will cause I kind of have to. But I want to because I should as it keeps me focused. (Man, that rambles like Paul’s difficult-to-follow-writings in Romans 7:14-20.)

I’ve been learning I need to enjoy the season of life I am in. Currently, that means living back at home, with my parents and younger brothers (no longer little), in the cool -Michigan - fall, with limited community, relying on the Lord to provide financially through the giving of others. Sometimes, my sisters are home on the weekends, which is awesome. It’s not my ideal world, but for this season, I want to enjoy it cause God knows it’s good for me.

When it comes to times of the year, autumn is my favorite season.  I could take pictures all day long of the changing beauty. Fall is something I don’t really get to experience in Florida. Last year, a friend and her kids (Bethany Montgomery!) mailed me some fall leaves. It made my week when I got that letter! This fall, I am thankful that God has me here in Michigan to experience it.
Three times this week, I got to spend time with my cute niece Addison. She is starting to walk on her own, pointing to everything thing and asking, “What’s that?”.  She impresses me each time with the amount of sign language she knows! Remember when you were a baby? How frustrating it was to communicate but you couldn’t speak yet? (Yeah, me either… but!) Being on this side of the communication wall, it is so cool to communicate with her as she uses the motion of her hands… at age 16 months! She even creates sentences out of them – “Please” “More” “Milk”. 

It makes me think of that movie Baby Genius. The babies eventually “cross over” to adult communication abilities. I wonder if, to some extent, that biologically really happens (and maybe that’s a dumb and obvious fact I just don’t know)… Either way, I love watching this season of her life unfold as she learns to communicate.

Also while being at home, I’m meeting up with lots of supporters, family and friends. It’s great to catch up on life and reconnect with people who I don’t get to see on a regular basis. Especially as I will be moving 22 hours away to work in Orlando. This is a season that I want to learn to appreciate and be thankful for – reflecting on all the people who make it possible for me to be a missionary.
Seasons come and go. It’s good to enjoy where you are and what God is teaching you in that time. It is also important to remember that He is faithful through out all seasons and stages of life. Praise Him for that!

“8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6: 8-10

Monday, October 22, 2012

"God Save the Queen"

"What does it mean?" We were both puzzled, unsure of the origin of this phrase.

Last October, during my internship with Campus Crusade for Christ in Orlando, I met Meena. She had been interning with the Disney program for several months and still wanting to experience some true American culture. As our initial conversation continued to unfold, so our friendship began.

We baked that apple pie right there, oh yes we did.

We ended up spending the classic, American holiday - Thanksgiving - together. I think Meena would agree, that this was a good "taste" of American traditions.

In the next couple of weeks in December and early January, we continued to hang out, going out to eat at classic American restaurants like Cracker Barrel and the Cheesecake Factory. We had many conversations about our internships, living in different countries, culture and religion. Based on the questions she asked, I knew Meena was definitely searching for the satisfaction only a relationship with God could bring.
Dinner at Cracker Barrel - biscuits and gravy! 

As the end of January approached, so did the end of Meena's internship and ultimately, her time in Orlando. As limited as it was, I was excited and thankful for the time we had spent together. We continued to stay in touch through out the spring and summer months. I was trusting God to continue to work in Meena's life as she had moved home.

WHICH HE DID!!! A couple of days ago, I skyped with Meena and she told me she had become a Christian!!! 

She explained to me that our friend Bryn had described the gospel in a creative way. We each have report cards, full of C's and D's, but Jesus has a report card full of A+'s! Because Jesus loves us so much, He is willing to trade His report card with us, so we can succeed and have a relationship with Him.

This August, she was visiting friends in Orlando. During her visit, she faced some challenges and tough choices. Toward the end of her trip, as she was processing life, her future and her journey thus far, she decided she wanted to trade report cards with Jesus. She realized He was pursuing her and wasn't going to stop.

Praise God for technology!
Since then, "I've been focusing on God, learning to really enjoy Him. My job right now is to become more Christian (Christ-like) everyday" Meena said this afternoon. My jaw dropped a little bit at how God has been transforming Meena in her newfound relationship with Him. Truely awesome!

It was so great to hear more of her testimony/story, listen to her questions and experiences as a new Christian. I asked her if I could write about her and share prayer requests.

Please pray:

  • First that Meena would continue to trust in the Spirit and His work in her life.
  • For a teachable heart to soak up the Word
  • For patience and trusting God to heal and lead
And Praise God for a new sister in Christ!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

It's here! It's here!!

Praise God!!! The Jesus Film App has now been released for download in the Apple Store, with the Android app soon to follow in the Google Play store.

Please download it, play with it and let me know what you think! Tell your friends, post it to Facebook, Twitter or email your friends.

Know of some missionaries overseas? Share this with them! Think of how this will help them communicate the gospel in the native tongue of the country they are serving in.

I would also love to be in contact with any missionaries you may know of - email me their contact info so I can encourage, inform and share ideas with them. As someone who has lived overseas in a country where I did not know the language very well, I can see so much potential for this ministry tool!