Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Merci in November

Life in the Booth household is always crazy, hectic and fun when all seven of us are back under the same roof. With me living at home for a few more weeks and my sisters back from college, Thanksgiving break was great – we even managed a family photo WITH the dogs!

This is my first time home for Thanksgiving in two years. My first year, I spent it across the ocean, living in France. (Side note: France does not sell Turkeys. We bought rotisserie chicken instead to feed to our 29 guests). My team and I hosted a feast for our new friends and explained the meaning of the American holiday. It was a great foundational event that allowed us to get to know our neighbors and some of the locals, on more of a relational level.

Thanksgiving in France 2010
Last year, I spent Thanksgiving in Orlando. I specifically chose to stay because I had randomly met (God’s divine plan) my UK friend, Meena a couple weeks prior. She and I had talked about many things, including American culture. I thought Hello, what other country celebrates AMERICAN Thanksgiving (Keyword: American… I know Canada has a Canadian thanksgiving – a bit different)? Invite Meena to celebrate with you! Which as we all now know, was somewhat of a pivotal point in Meena’s life as she met Bryn and other Christians during our Thanksgiving party!

This year, I was nice to be back home, celebrating with extended family, playing games, watching movies, and doing some Black Friday shopping with my siblings… (Though, I did feel a bit guilty going to Target at 10 pm on Thanksgiving night….) Traditions are still lots of fun.

Waiting in line at Target

Living at home in Michigan this fall, I’ve realized I have much to be thankful for: being home for Thanksgiving, my growing family, having cool hair and knowing how to do it, my new car, the ability to vote, a nice camera to take family pictures, freedom, watching football, meeting friends like Meena and seeing a change in her life, my support team, the use of all five senses, traveling for my job,  and great friends, among many other things. God is so good and always faithful. #Iamthankful

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sharing my "God Story"

Thursday night, I was invited to share my “God Story” at GVSU Cru. It’s a time to share about how God has impacted and shown up in my life.

I took a picture from the stage at GVSU.
It worked out perfectly, because I was already on the West side of the state to babysit a few days for a fun family I met in college. Note: Props to all moms who manage multiple schedules, clean the house, feed the family, drive children to and from places, all while having her own life. Respect. It takes a lot of coordination, selflessness and patience.

As I prepared for my talk, I obviously spent time looking back on the past, on the journey God has taken me on thus far. Going to Grand Valley. Studying marketing. Getting involved with Cru. Attending various Cru conferences. Going on STINT and moving to France. Interning in Orlando with YearOne.

I enjoyed looking back on all these “life events”, which I now see how they all connected. Each fit, perfect for the story God has just for me. It was also encouraging for me, as I acknowledged God’s fingerprints all over these life experiences, reminding myself that I can trust Him. He’s proved Himself over and over.

It frustrated me how many times I doubt Him and His goodness or if He will come through. And then I realized something. Something so elementary to a modern day Christian believer; Its in those moments of doubt and worry, that I am living out of the flesh. Our of my own ability. Out of my own knowledge (limited as it is).

Clearly, if I solely lived out of my own desires and plans, I doubt I would be in ministry. I credit and attribute that to the Spirit’s working in my life. For this season of life, He has me here. Currently raising support, but eventually to be working with the JESUS Film Project, equipping missionaries with digital tools to reach the nations for Christ! With the eternal perspective in mind, that’s pretty rewarding. He obviously knows what He’s doing, and in my time of reflection, I found myself realizing I need to be thankful for that more and more. And also to absorb the peace that comes from knowing He’s got it all figured out.

Monday, November 12, 2012

I love music, j'aime la musique, me gusta la música...

Music is so great.
It’s expressive.
It has a wide variety of styles.
It’s GREAT to run to.
In the Bible, Psalms is FULL of lyrics to worship songs.
It is incorporated in to so many culture activities – birthdays, weddings, for national anthems, in commercials, in elevators, worship services...

Seriously, what we do with out it?

As I sit here at the coffee shop, I am literally head-boping to my Spotify - practically dancing in my chair.  These people probably think I'm a bit crazy and unaware of my actions - and they are partly right! 

In this month of "thankfulness" I am definitely thankful for MUSIC! 

These are some of the jams I currently rock out to:

Sunday, November 4, 2012


God provided big this week. Not only is financial support still coming in (praise for that), this week about 10% came in AS WELL AS I finally found a car and bought it- cash. Straight up, the car is just what I wanted: sporty, yet practical; cool color (I think the official name is “Indigo Lights”), sun roof, A/C that works (my old car did not, which made Florida even hotter), an iPod jack, low mileage and a key fob. Those were generally my criteria.

This isn’t to say that God isn’t a provider during “dry spells”. He is the faithful One who knows all my needs before they even exist, and in His timing, and through His ways, somehow ends meet. They may not always look as I would have pictured, or planned for, but His plans are better anyways, right?
And during those down times, He might be teaching me patience, to trust Him, to get on my knees and pray more – and maybe that’s because He desires a deep and daily relationship with me. An effort that I sometimes, too many times, I don’t offer or give my 100% to Him in it.  This is something I think every Christian struggles with – yet God still continues to be gracious and faithful on His side of things. He’s a pretty great Guy to be in a relationship with, if I do say so myself!

During my car search, which started in July… well actually when I moved home from France, and ended up with a temporary Buick (hey, I moved to Florida, “Buick- central” with all the old folks. My brothers now drive it to school and football, which left me car-less for a couple months. My family has been very accommodating and helpful in letting me borrow their cars as needed.)

Soooo… since July, I’ve been praying for a car daily. There were even a few I made offers on. I think God had this car picked out even before I moved to France two years ago. Each time I have walk up to it, unlocked it, I praise God and see my car as a daily reminder of His provision. I am very thankful for it!