Monday, December 24, 2012

Which one do you fall into?

Around Christmas time, seeing extended family is always a tradition. Hugs, food, laugher, stories, new members of the family (both married and born), gift exchanges, picture opportunities, Christmas decorations, the list goes on and on…

As I’ve noticed, it’s funny that when all my siblings are all back together under the same roof, we fall right back into our “pecking order”. It might be because I am getting ready to move down to Orlando, but also seeing all this family has made me a bit introspective and observant of birth order traits and personalities.

You have your oldest child (I found these off a website as I was researching)(which I fall into many of these "oldest" categories): Natural leaders, high achievers, may be bossy or know-it-all, organized and prompt, seeks attention in both positive and negative ways, controlling, and may be come compliant and nurturing.

Then there is middle children: Flexible, independent, mediator or negotiator, may feel life is unfair, highly adaptable, generous and sociable, perceive youngest or oldest child are the parents “favorites”, rebellious, attention seeking and competitive.

And don’t forget baby! They can be: silly or funny, risk takers, creative, very self-centered, highly competitive, bored easily, friendly and outgoing, expect others to take care of them, idealistic, and can be equally charming and manipulative.

Because I obviously am the oldest child, I have been closely observing other oldest children and seeing both the positive and negative traits. Its made me want to be careful in how I interact with my siblings because, coupled with my personality, I could be overpowering, as I’ve seen others do. 

All in all, I am thankful for my family as loud, crazy, and off-the-wall as we are. God gave us each other because He knew it would be good for us!

Throw back: Christmas 2007

Monday, December 17, 2012

Quick Trip to Orlando

This week, I flew down to Orlando in search of housing. I knew God would give me some direction and lead me to where He wants me to be – even if that meant not finding something right away! But I did!

I really wanted to find something close to downtown so I can invest in the people of Orlando, live near the church I will be apart of and get out of the “Cru Bubble” a bit. As a missionary, it’s easy to see your work as your ministry – but that should not be so! Work is work, even though I happen to be a missionary. I want to get involved with the community and church once I get life set up in Orlando.

I will be living with a woman who also works with Crusade so she understands the workload and perspective of the job! I’d met her before, but learned about her need for a roommate through some co-workers. I will be living real close to downtown, the airport and my gym. Overall, I think it will be great!

It was also great to see friends I’ve made from the past year. It’s nice to know I have a solid group of people in my line of work and in my season of life to do life with when I move there in January.

What’s next on the agenda? Finishing my seminary class that I have been taking simultaneously while raising support. It’s been challenging and educational, as I’ve learned about the New Testament. While I am thankful to be taught these biblical foundations, I will be relieved when the final exam is over! I would love some prayers for finishing, and finishing well.

Until next week…

Monday, December 10, 2012

Modern Day Slavery

“The UNICEF reports that across the world, there are more than one million children entering the sex trade every year and that approximately 30 million children have lost their childhood through sexual exploitation over the past 30 years."

“Belgium, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Thailand, Turkey and the United States are countries ranked “very high” as destination countries of trafficked persons (UNODC, 2006).”

“The sex industry in the Netherlands is estimated to make almost $1,000,000,000 ($1 billion) each year (UNECE, 2004).”

This past Friday, I attended a Human Trafficking Awareness event. The Women’s Ministry of Oak Pointe Church Milford, held this as their theme for their Christmas party. The woman who spoke shared 3 final tips, in which, the final one was “Share at least one thing you have learned tonight.”

In a few weeks, I will be headed to Bangkok, Thailand and will also have a layover in Amsterdam, Holland on my way to Spain. These two cities are known for their “Red-Light Districts”. While my main purpose in visiting these cities is working different conferences representing the Jesus Film, it’s also sobering thinking about going to these places, knowing full well millions are enslaved to this sick industry. Knowing this industry is also in neighboring cities across the States is somewhat surreal and heart wrenching!

Please join me in praying for restoration, freedom, hope and justice for these people.

James 5:16 “…The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working!”

John 8:36 “So if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

Proverbs 31:8-9 “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"Do you smell like Jesus?"

In my quiet time this week, I was reading in 2 Corinthians. Paul was writing to the church in Corinth to address some issues of the early church. 

"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing..." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

These verses struck a cord in me. Wow - do my actions, character and words reflect Christ toward others? Unfortunately, not always. As I become older, I realize the "ugliness" of living out of my own abilities (or 'living out of my flesh' according to "Christianese" haha). As Christians, we have been given the gift of the Spirit, not only to assure our eternal destination, but to live out of His strength in loving others.

I like the picture these verses paint, as the idea is something everyone - Christian and non-Christian alike - can envision. This is what came to my mind: when you walk through a department store, generally you know right where the perfume section is located. Sometimes it's overwhelming actually. But the idea that you know what that counter is all about, just by being near it, is somewhat motivating for me. When others are near me, I want them to, in some way, be encouraged, feel loved and cared for because of the Spirit at work in me. What's cool too, is that He takes the lead. You don't have to be this 'super-Christian' on your own. Man, that would be exhausting! 

I leave you with this video for kicks and giggles...