Since the start of the year, I've taken 17 flights across many airports, states and countries. Everyone does things a little differently. During these days of travel, I've
taken note of tips I've either learned by experience or heard along the
2. Drink lots of water the day before your flight(s) to make up for dehydration on the plane.
3. When going through security, always put your shoes through first (hopefully you are wearing socks - gross airport floors!) so you can get them on while the rest of your belongings are being scanned.
4. If you can't avoid slamming any of your appendages nails in doors etc (that's kinda an always, but also before flights), bring a safely pin a matches to relieve built up pressure from flight(s).
6. If your traveling lite, try being last on the plane. You can just sit in empty seats. Or sit in the middle seat until someone comes. You might be able to snag your own row! This has benefited me SEVERAL times - specifically on international flights.
7. Music on your iPod. For sure.
8. Flying Delta? Download the app. Once checked in, you may be able to change your seat around to one of the remaining open seats!
I'll be adding more to this list as time goes on as to help you readers in your travel adventures! If you have some to add, include them in the comment box below... I'd love to learn from you too!