Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Flying through Salt Lake City

This last week, I was blessed to be able to visit some dear friends in California, who I met while interning in France and Florida. Laughter, pictures and good-spiritually-deep conversations were had by all!
In San Diego, I got to spend time with Katie and Chelsea, two girls from my STINT team in France 3 years ago!
In Irvine/Los Angles, I met up with my friend Patty and together we visited our dear friend Margo who we joined staff with last summer in Orlando. Margo was also in France on STINT the same year as me! She served with the Paris Campus ministry while I was in the office resourcing Christian minorities in North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

On my flight back to Orlando, Patty and I flew through Salt Lake City, Utah. As most of you may know, this is a heavily populated Mormon area. Knowing this, I though hmm I wonder how many people on this flight are Mormon...

Once settled in my window seat, I was all set to slip my headphones in, and watch a couple episodes of 24 season one. The above thought kept running through my mind. A mother and her adult son were sitting in my row, and it felt like God kept pushing me to talk to them. Quite frankly, I didn't want to. I wanted to watch a couple episodes of this TV show, work on some projects for my job or even sleep.

After about 10 minutes of sort of watching the show, God keep distracting me with these people. Reluctantly, though I knew little about Mormonism, I decided to obey. I pressed pause on the intense episode, closed my computer, fumbled with my purse before trying to start a conversation with the mom. While "looking for a piece of gum" (aka buying time and trying to think of what to say), the mom complemented my jacket. Boom, conversation started. Not by me, not really by her - by God.

I learned her and her family had been in California for her nephews college graduation. We continued to talk about Salt Lake and her faith of Mormonism. I was nervous, because I didn't want my questions to come across as interested in conversion nor condemning.

I did learn a few things I didn't know about the Mormon faith, like they don't believe the in the Trinity, and that once in heaven,  there will be a hierarchy and some will become gods. The Lord lead me to ask questions that made her think about what she really believed. She even said she needs to study her faith more, and asked what I believe. I shared the gospel and address differences I knew about in our beliefs - like the Trinity.
One of my textbooks for this my class this summer.

I couldn't help but leave that conversation a little down. But I did realized I said all I could have relying on the Spirit and with the limited knowledge of their faith. It did give me a greater passion for the Apologetics class I will be taking this summer in Colorado! I think it is important to be educated in other religions so we can discuss perspectives without ignorance. I'm looking forward to learning how to be the best representative of God I can be as I interacting with others, and I am thankful to be taking this class!

Monday, May 6, 2013


This concept is not a new one. It is actually pretty humorous!

- "How is your walk going?"
- "She is such a Proverbs 31 woman!"
- "The Word just spoke to me..."
- "PTL!"
- "Ugh, I've totally been living in the flesh."
- In pop-corn prayer time: "I lift up these unspokens..." and "I'd like to echo..."
- "That is not my spiritual gift".
- "She has such a Jezebel spirit..."
- "I've been looking for some real fellowship..."
- "Want to go on a prayer walk?"
- "I want a man who's heart is for the 10/40 window!"
- "When is your spiritual birthday?"
- "Missionary dating does not work."
- "I think she's a bed-side Baptist at St. Mattress with Pastor Pillow, if you know what I mean..."
- "Oh, he grew up in the Bible-belt of the state."
- "She is the definition of a prayer warrior."

Maybe you know of a few others - feel free to comment and share them!! This could also be a fun ice-breaker for small groups or introducing these concepts to new believers :)