Because I am still very tired and still plagued with jetleg, I will list off the various events that have taken place since arriving to France:
Arrival, luggage, waiting 2 hours to be picked up, lots of driving around, seeing our new apartment!, my first croissant and crepe, sleeping 13 hours and still tired, car accident [other guys fault, we and our car are alright, he was hurt and his car is pry totaled], dealing with the French police - who are very friendly and helpful!
[side story: Beth, Chelsea and I were sitting in our car while Eric and Nalani talked with some of the police [there were about 9 present!] when one of them came up to our car to see if we were okay. He said something in French, to which we replied " je no....." He understood and responded "No boo-boo?" Fortunately, we were all okay and replied "Non" with thumbs up. Haha!! It was so funny!]
2.5 hours setting up back accounts, hauling a couch through Evry France via Life Agape [CCC] van, and finally painting my nails while watching the season opener of Glee.
Now for sleep. Much needed sleep.
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