Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some random thoughts

Carrot spaghetti is an awesome creation.

Exactly how "safe" is the meat sauce you buy off a shelf? Doesn't this need to be refrigerated?

When do people start becoming 'morning' people? Does this come with age?

Everything in France, and probably Europe, is compact and small: homes, meals, cars, bathrooms, a cup of coffee, the staircases. We do like their space, but maybe the majority of Americans obese?

Also, most French people have no concept of personal space. When waiting in line, I stagger my feet, and lean in such a way to create space. I am American.

Did you know children laugh 10 times more than adults?

Google Translate is a wonderful tool.

Let me set the facts straight here, not all French people are 'Parisians'. It is the 'Parisians' that get the bad reputation, and that's pry because they are tired of the all the tourists who visit Paris and don't speak French.

I've watched every episode of LOST, but I still wonder what was up with the polar bears?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Weekend in Amsterdam

Living in Europe has a lot of advantages. This weekend, I was able to travel to Amsterdam, Netherlands to visit the Grand Valley State Cru Spring Break team! They spent their spring break on some of the campuses in Rotterdam, doing various ministry activities with the staff of Life Agape [Campus Crusade’s International name].

My journey actually began Friday morning around 9am. My roommate and I took the train into Paris. We were meeting up with the Paris Metro team, who do campus ministry in Paris. We met Margo, one of the team members, at her apartment then headed to the university. The Life Agape staff led us, two of Margo’s teammates, and 4 students in a short devotion. We focused on prayer, the power it has, and how it can bless others. We paired up and prayer walked the campus.

I partnered with Heidi, one of the Life Agape staff. As we walked around, we approached people explaining we were praying for Paris, the campus and wanted to see if they had anything we could pray for as well.

The spiritual atmosphere of youth in Paris, well Europe in general, is very apathetic or nonexistent. Almost everyone turned us down. As we walked, Heidi brought up the story about Philip when he was led by the Spirit to a man in chariot to pray for him. Not ten minutes later, we approached this girl sitting on a bench in the garden. When we asked if there was anything we could pray for her about, she declined and said she was an atheist. Heidi noticed she was reading a bible, and asked if she had any questions about what she was reading. She said no, that it was only for class. We were still curious, so Heidi asked if she could ask one more question: “what book are you reading?” She responded “Job.” Talk about meaty stuff!

1. It is ridiculously rare to see a student reading a bible on campus, much less a non-believer!

2. I just wonder what this girl was thinking after we left – reading the bible for class, and two Christians come up and ask if there is anything they can pray for.

3. Please pray for her! We didn’t exchange names, so I’ll call her “Sofia”. Pray that God would continue to make Himself know to Sofia and that see would see that, rather than conscience. Pray also that God would lead more Christians in to Sofia’s life and that she would start having deep questions about God.

After our time of ministry was done for the day, I eventually headed to the airport to fly to Amsterdam! I was so pumped to see some old friends, hear how their week doing ministry in Rotterdam went, and share with them all about STINT and Summer Project.

During the flight, I started talking with two American girls sitting near me. They were studying abroad in Paris and headed to Amsterdam for a weekend of fun – and by fun, they meant legal drugs and partying.

To be honest, it caught me off guard. I casually tried to ask why they did drugs, being one who has never been high. “It makes life better”, “It makes me numb”, “It feels good.” I was saddened for them. In return, they asked why I was headed to Amsterdam. I saw this as an opportunity to bring up Spiritual subjects and hoped I could lead into sharing the gospel. Both had gone to church and labeled themselves as ‘Catholic’. Neither felt that it was the right time in their life to go to church or “get into that stuff.” They then bi-passed questions I followed up with, and led the conversation onto other things.

I did get these girls names: Kaitlyn and Leeda. Please also pray for them – they are trying to find satisfaction in material things. Pray that they would see that NOW is always the right time to meet with God.

Once we landed, my next task was to figure out how to get to the hotel. The information desk suggested a train then tram. I’ve learned some ‘travel smarts’ these past couple months so I knew I’d be fine.

As I walked up to the hotel, Kelsey Perras, Erin King and Curtis Blackwell were waiting for me! It was so refreshing to see them! We dropped my stuff off in the room and went out to explore and get a late dinner. Back at our room, I got caught up on life with Erin and Kels! Bless their souls; they shared their bed with me. One word: SPOONING.

The next morning, I was reunited with the rest of the group and we all headed to the Anne Frank house museum. It was really interesting to be walking through the historical place this little girl wrote in her journal of her secret, sad life. Afterwards, we all headed to a pancake place for some European style pancakes! I actually got one with spinach, garlic oil, goat cheese and pine nuts. It was so delicious!


Through out the day, I was able to have many good conversations with some individuals on the team about STINT and also Summer Project. I think talking about STINT also helped me process a little what I have been doing these past 5 months. I can’t believe STINT is half over!

Some of the Spring Break team

The next morning, the team left the hotel at 7:45 am. I walked with them to the bus stop and said our last “see you laters”, and I went back to bed! Later in the morning, I packed, checked out and walked the streets of Amsterdam in leisure.
Sooo many bikes!

I got some last minute souvenirs and headed to the airport... and now I am back at my apartment, ready for another week!

Until next time...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wait, where did February go?

As I stare at my Macbook screen, the calendar tells me it is March 7th. Life these past three months has been a blurrrr.

After my sisters visited for Christmas, I visited the grand city of ROME for a weekend with some friends from home. Definitely a city to visit. We went to all the landmarks most tourists see.
The Colosseum

It hit me, though, walking around, in and up into the Colosseum, that this is the last thing many brothers and sisters saw before seeing the Lord. Frightened, tired, ready, scared, beaten, bruised, I am sure they were ready to be done enduring these hardships.
Inside the Colosseum

It made me think of those in closed countries whose experience more modern persecution - they need our prayers!
Reading Romans in Rome outside of the Colosseum

Toward the end of January, I went to Cairo, Egypt with my boss for an operations audit. It was great to meet other staff in our company, gain a vision for what we are doing through operations on a country level and see another historical city! It was a very productive and eye-opening trip. I also rode a camel!
Riding a camel in Giza, Egypt

Praise God our trip ended 2 days before the riots and uproar began! I think God is moving despite these crises. Please be praying for the opportunities that do arise for our team there.

One week later, my team and I were headed to Nerja, Spain for the STINT 'Mid-Year' conference. It was a refreshing time to get out of the daily grind. We reflected on the first half of the year, and regrouped for the coming months. It was awesome to spend time with other Americans our age who are experiencing some of the same things.
My friend Ted, who is teaching english in Spain, came to visit for one day!

Me and my roommates at the 'Balcony of Europe' in Spain. Mountains and beaches = awesomeness.

Straight from Spain, we flew to Turkey for another conference, one we were helping plan and host. It was a little adjustment switching from "attendee" to "host"! It was great to meet nationals in our company, and through out the conference, watch them plan and strategize for the coming year! My main job was the historian of the conference. I took many pictures and videos, which, unfortunately, I can't post due to security.
This is a picture of jewelry and lamps in Istanbul, Turkey. Everything is so colorful!

Working this conference opened my eyes to the possibility of working Conference and Events. It is something I have thought of doing before[In high school, I wanted to be a Wedding Planner!], but this was the first real hands on experience I've had in this area. Maybe this is the type of work God is leading me toward for next year?

As most of you know, the deadline for apply to reSTINT was March 1st. However, I was still not 100% sure where God was leading me [though, I had a good idea.] Since then, I have applied and am waiting to hear back whether I am excepted or not. Only the Lord knows!

I am going to try to utilized this blog more than I have [sorry for that!] so I hope that you [whoever you are] continue to read and I promise to keep more daily events posted! Some friends visited last week [shout out to Katelyn Roskamp and Kristna Pantoja].
Katelyn, Kristina and me at the Sacré-Cœur Basilica

They are both keeping their blogs more up to date as they study abroad in Sevilla, Spain. Kate shared her idea of pulling stories and quotes from her blog posts, to use when she scrapbooks! Smart!

Peace and blessings...