My journey actually began Friday morning around 9am. My roommate and I took the train into Paris. We were meeting up with the Paris Metro team, who do campus ministry in Paris. We met Margo, one of the team members, at her apartment then headed to the university. The Life Agape staff led us, two of Margo’s teammates, and 4 students in a short devotion. We focused on prayer, the power it has, and how it can bless others. We paired up and prayer walked the campus.
I partnered with Heidi, one of the Life Agape staff. As we walked around, we approached people explaining we were praying for Paris, the campus and wanted to see if they had anything we could pray for as well.
The spiritual atmosphere of youth in Paris, well Europe in general, is very apathetic or nonexistent. Almost everyone turned us down. As we walked, Heidi brought up the story about Philip when he was led by the Spirit to a man in chariot to pray for him. Not ten minutes later, we approached this girl sitting on a bench in the garden. When we asked if there was anything we could pray for her about, she declined and said she was an atheist. Heidi noticed she was reading a bible, and asked if she had any questions about what she was reading. She said no, that it was only for class. We were still curious, so Heidi asked if she could ask one more question: “what book are you reading?” She responded “Job.” Talk about meaty stuff!
1. It is ridiculously rare to see a student reading a bible on campus, much less a non-believer!
2. I just wonder what this girl was thinking after we left – reading the bible for class, and two Christians come up and ask if there is anything they can pray for.
3. Please pray for her! We didn’t exchange names, so I’ll call her “Sofia”. Pray that God would continue to make Himself know to Sofia and that see would see that, rather than conscience. Pray also that God would lead more Christians in to Sofia’s life and that she would start having deep questions about God.
After our time of ministry was done for the day, I eventually headed to the airport to fly to Amsterdam! I was so pumped to see some old friends, hear how their week doing ministry in Rotterdam went, and share with them all about STINT and Summer Project.

During the flight, I started talking with two American girls sitting near me. They were studying abroad in Paris and headed to Amsterdam for a weekend of fun – and by fun, they meant legal drugs and partying.

To be honest, it caught me off guard. I casually tried to ask why they did drugs, being one who has never been high. “It makes life better”, “It makes me numb”, “It feels good.” I was saddened for them. In return, they asked why I was headed to Amsterdam. I saw this as an opportunity to bring up Spiritual subjects and hoped I could lead into sharing the gospel. Both had gone to church and labeled themselves as ‘Catholic’. Neither felt that it was the right time in their life to go to church or “get into that stuff.” They then bi-passed questions I followed up with, and led the conversation onto other things.
I did get these girls names: Kaitlyn and Leeda. Please also pray for them – they are trying to find satisfaction in material things. Pray that they would see that NOW is always the right time to meet with God.
Once we landed, my next task was to figure out how to get to the hotel. The information desk suggested a train then tram. I’ve learned some ‘travel smarts’ these past couple months so I knew I’d be fine.
The next morning, I was reunited with the rest of the group and we all headed to the Anne Frank house museum. It was really interesting to be walking through the historical place this little girl wrote in her journal of her secret, sad life. Afterwards, we all headed to a pancake place for some European style pancakes! I actually got one with spinach, garlic oil, goat cheese and pine nuts. It was so delicious!
Through out the day, I was able to have many good conversations with some individuals on the team about STINT and also Summer Project. I think talking about STINT also helped me process a little what I have been doing these past 5 months. I can’t believe STINT is half over!
Some of the Spring Break team
Until next time...
It was so wonderful seeing you and spending a little time with you! Spooning. Yes hahaha. Love you!