Around Christmas time, seeing extended family is always a
tradition. Hugs, food, laugher, stories, new members of the family (both
married and born), gift exchanges, picture opportunities, Christmas
decorations, the list goes on and on…
As I’ve noticed, it’s funny that when all my siblings are
all back together under the same roof, we fall right back into our “pecking
order”. It might be because I am getting ready to move down to Orlando, but
also seeing all this family has made me a bit introspective and observant of
birth order traits and personalities.
You have your oldest child (I found these off a website as I was researching)(which I fall into many of these "oldest" categories): Natural
leaders, high achievers, may be bossy or know-it-all, organized and prompt,
seeks attention in both positive and negative ways, controlling, and may be
come compliant and nurturing.
Then there is middle children: Flexible, independent,
mediator or negotiator, may feel life is unfair, highly adaptable, generous and
sociable, perceive youngest or oldest child are the parents “favorites”,
rebellious, attention seeking and competitive.
And don’t forget baby! They can be: silly or funny, risk
takers, creative, very self-centered, highly competitive, bored easily,
friendly and outgoing, expect others to take care of them, idealistic, and can
be equally charming and manipulative.
Because I obviously am the
oldest child, I have been closely observing other oldest children and seeing
both the positive and negative traits. Its made me want to be careful in how I
interact with my siblings because, coupled with my personality, I could be
overpowering, as I’ve seen others do.
All in all, I am thankful for
my family as loud, crazy, and off-the-wall as we are. God gave us each other
because He knew it would be good for us!
Throw back: Christmas 2007 |