Monday, December 24, 2012

Which one do you fall into?

Around Christmas time, seeing extended family is always a tradition. Hugs, food, laugher, stories, new members of the family (both married and born), gift exchanges, picture opportunities, Christmas decorations, the list goes on and on…

As I’ve noticed, it’s funny that when all my siblings are all back together under the same roof, we fall right back into our “pecking order”. It might be because I am getting ready to move down to Orlando, but also seeing all this family has made me a bit introspective and observant of birth order traits and personalities.

You have your oldest child (I found these off a website as I was researching)(which I fall into many of these "oldest" categories): Natural leaders, high achievers, may be bossy or know-it-all, organized and prompt, seeks attention in both positive and negative ways, controlling, and may be come compliant and nurturing.

Then there is middle children: Flexible, independent, mediator or negotiator, may feel life is unfair, highly adaptable, generous and sociable, perceive youngest or oldest child are the parents “favorites”, rebellious, attention seeking and competitive.

And don’t forget baby! They can be: silly or funny, risk takers, creative, very self-centered, highly competitive, bored easily, friendly and outgoing, expect others to take care of them, idealistic, and can be equally charming and manipulative.

Because I obviously am the oldest child, I have been closely observing other oldest children and seeing both the positive and negative traits. Its made me want to be careful in how I interact with my siblings because, coupled with my personality, I could be overpowering, as I’ve seen others do. 

All in all, I am thankful for my family as loud, crazy, and off-the-wall as we are. God gave us each other because He knew it would be good for us!

Throw back: Christmas 2007

Monday, December 17, 2012

Quick Trip to Orlando

This week, I flew down to Orlando in search of housing. I knew God would give me some direction and lead me to where He wants me to be – even if that meant not finding something right away! But I did!

I really wanted to find something close to downtown so I can invest in the people of Orlando, live near the church I will be apart of and get out of the “Cru Bubble” a bit. As a missionary, it’s easy to see your work as your ministry – but that should not be so! Work is work, even though I happen to be a missionary. I want to get involved with the community and church once I get life set up in Orlando.

I will be living with a woman who also works with Crusade so she understands the workload and perspective of the job! I’d met her before, but learned about her need for a roommate through some co-workers. I will be living real close to downtown, the airport and my gym. Overall, I think it will be great!

It was also great to see friends I’ve made from the past year. It’s nice to know I have a solid group of people in my line of work and in my season of life to do life with when I move there in January.

What’s next on the agenda? Finishing my seminary class that I have been taking simultaneously while raising support. It’s been challenging and educational, as I’ve learned about the New Testament. While I am thankful to be taught these biblical foundations, I will be relieved when the final exam is over! I would love some prayers for finishing, and finishing well.

Until next week…

Monday, December 10, 2012

Modern Day Slavery

“The UNICEF reports that across the world, there are more than one million children entering the sex trade every year and that approximately 30 million children have lost their childhood through sexual exploitation over the past 30 years."

“Belgium, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Thailand, Turkey and the United States are countries ranked “very high” as destination countries of trafficked persons (UNODC, 2006).”

“The sex industry in the Netherlands is estimated to make almost $1,000,000,000 ($1 billion) each year (UNECE, 2004).”

This past Friday, I attended a Human Trafficking Awareness event. The Women’s Ministry of Oak Pointe Church Milford, held this as their theme for their Christmas party. The woman who spoke shared 3 final tips, in which, the final one was “Share at least one thing you have learned tonight.”

In a few weeks, I will be headed to Bangkok, Thailand and will also have a layover in Amsterdam, Holland on my way to Spain. These two cities are known for their “Red-Light Districts”. While my main purpose in visiting these cities is working different conferences representing the Jesus Film, it’s also sobering thinking about going to these places, knowing full well millions are enslaved to this sick industry. Knowing this industry is also in neighboring cities across the States is somewhat surreal and heart wrenching!

Please join me in praying for restoration, freedom, hope and justice for these people.

James 5:16 “…The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working!”

John 8:36 “So if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

Proverbs 31:8-9 “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"Do you smell like Jesus?"

In my quiet time this week, I was reading in 2 Corinthians. Paul was writing to the church in Corinth to address some issues of the early church. 

"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing..." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

These verses struck a cord in me. Wow - do my actions, character and words reflect Christ toward others? Unfortunately, not always. As I become older, I realize the "ugliness" of living out of my own abilities (or 'living out of my flesh' according to "Christianese" haha). As Christians, we have been given the gift of the Spirit, not only to assure our eternal destination, but to live out of His strength in loving others.

I like the picture these verses paint, as the idea is something everyone - Christian and non-Christian alike - can envision. This is what came to my mind: when you walk through a department store, generally you know right where the perfume section is located. Sometimes it's overwhelming actually. But the idea that you know what that counter is all about, just by being near it, is somewhat motivating for me. When others are near me, I want them to, in some way, be encouraged, feel loved and cared for because of the Spirit at work in me. What's cool too, is that He takes the lead. You don't have to be this 'super-Christian' on your own. Man, that would be exhausting! 

I leave you with this video for kicks and giggles...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Merci in November

Life in the Booth household is always crazy, hectic and fun when all seven of us are back under the same roof. With me living at home for a few more weeks and my sisters back from college, Thanksgiving break was great – we even managed a family photo WITH the dogs!

This is my first time home for Thanksgiving in two years. My first year, I spent it across the ocean, living in France. (Side note: France does not sell Turkeys. We bought rotisserie chicken instead to feed to our 29 guests). My team and I hosted a feast for our new friends and explained the meaning of the American holiday. It was a great foundational event that allowed us to get to know our neighbors and some of the locals, on more of a relational level.

Thanksgiving in France 2010
Last year, I spent Thanksgiving in Orlando. I specifically chose to stay because I had randomly met (God’s divine plan) my UK friend, Meena a couple weeks prior. She and I had talked about many things, including American culture. I thought Hello, what other country celebrates AMERICAN Thanksgiving (Keyword: American… I know Canada has a Canadian thanksgiving – a bit different)? Invite Meena to celebrate with you! Which as we all now know, was somewhat of a pivotal point in Meena’s life as she met Bryn and other Christians during our Thanksgiving party!

This year, I was nice to be back home, celebrating with extended family, playing games, watching movies, and doing some Black Friday shopping with my siblings… (Though, I did feel a bit guilty going to Target at 10 pm on Thanksgiving night….) Traditions are still lots of fun.

Waiting in line at Target

Living at home in Michigan this fall, I’ve realized I have much to be thankful for: being home for Thanksgiving, my growing family, having cool hair and knowing how to do it, my new car, the ability to vote, a nice camera to take family pictures, freedom, watching football, meeting friends like Meena and seeing a change in her life, my support team, the use of all five senses, traveling for my job,  and great friends, among many other things. God is so good and always faithful. #Iamthankful

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sharing my "God Story"

Thursday night, I was invited to share my “God Story” at GVSU Cru. It’s a time to share about how God has impacted and shown up in my life.

I took a picture from the stage at GVSU.
It worked out perfectly, because I was already on the West side of the state to babysit a few days for a fun family I met in college. Note: Props to all moms who manage multiple schedules, clean the house, feed the family, drive children to and from places, all while having her own life. Respect. It takes a lot of coordination, selflessness and patience.

As I prepared for my talk, I obviously spent time looking back on the past, on the journey God has taken me on thus far. Going to Grand Valley. Studying marketing. Getting involved with Cru. Attending various Cru conferences. Going on STINT and moving to France. Interning in Orlando with YearOne.

I enjoyed looking back on all these “life events”, which I now see how they all connected. Each fit, perfect for the story God has just for me. It was also encouraging for me, as I acknowledged God’s fingerprints all over these life experiences, reminding myself that I can trust Him. He’s proved Himself over and over.

It frustrated me how many times I doubt Him and His goodness or if He will come through. And then I realized something. Something so elementary to a modern day Christian believer; Its in those moments of doubt and worry, that I am living out of the flesh. Our of my own ability. Out of my own knowledge (limited as it is).

Clearly, if I solely lived out of my own desires and plans, I doubt I would be in ministry. I credit and attribute that to the Spirit’s working in my life. For this season of life, He has me here. Currently raising support, but eventually to be working with the JESUS Film Project, equipping missionaries with digital tools to reach the nations for Christ! With the eternal perspective in mind, that’s pretty rewarding. He obviously knows what He’s doing, and in my time of reflection, I found myself realizing I need to be thankful for that more and more. And also to absorb the peace that comes from knowing He’s got it all figured out.

Monday, November 12, 2012

I love music, j'aime la musique, me gusta la música...

Music is so great.
It’s expressive.
It has a wide variety of styles.
It’s GREAT to run to.
In the Bible, Psalms is FULL of lyrics to worship songs.
It is incorporated in to so many culture activities – birthdays, weddings, for national anthems, in commercials, in elevators, worship services...

Seriously, what we do with out it?

As I sit here at the coffee shop, I am literally head-boping to my Spotify - practically dancing in my chair.  These people probably think I'm a bit crazy and unaware of my actions - and they are partly right! 

In this month of "thankfulness" I am definitely thankful for MUSIC! 

These are some of the jams I currently rock out to:

Sunday, November 4, 2012


God provided big this week. Not only is financial support still coming in (praise for that), this week about 10% came in AS WELL AS I finally found a car and bought it- cash. Straight up, the car is just what I wanted: sporty, yet practical; cool color (I think the official name is “Indigo Lights”), sun roof, A/C that works (my old car did not, which made Florida even hotter), an iPod jack, low mileage and a key fob. Those were generally my criteria.

This isn’t to say that God isn’t a provider during “dry spells”. He is the faithful One who knows all my needs before they even exist, and in His timing, and through His ways, somehow ends meet. They may not always look as I would have pictured, or planned for, but His plans are better anyways, right?
And during those down times, He might be teaching me patience, to trust Him, to get on my knees and pray more – and maybe that’s because He desires a deep and daily relationship with me. An effort that I sometimes, too many times, I don’t offer or give my 100% to Him in it.  This is something I think every Christian struggles with – yet God still continues to be gracious and faithful on His side of things. He’s a pretty great Guy to be in a relationship with, if I do say so myself!

During my car search, which started in July… well actually when I moved home from France, and ended up with a temporary Buick (hey, I moved to Florida, “Buick- central” with all the old folks. My brothers now drive it to school and football, which left me car-less for a couple months. My family has been very accommodating and helpful in letting me borrow their cars as needed.)

Soooo… since July, I’ve been praying for a car daily. There were even a few I made offers on. I think God had this car picked out even before I moved to France two years ago. Each time I have walk up to it, unlocked it, I praise God and see my car as a daily reminder of His provision. I am very thankful for it!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I can wait. But, at the same time… I can’t. But I will cause I kind of have to. But I want to because I should as it keeps me focused. (Man, that rambles like Paul’s difficult-to-follow-writings in Romans 7:14-20.)

I’ve been learning I need to enjoy the season of life I am in. Currently, that means living back at home, with my parents and younger brothers (no longer little), in the cool -Michigan - fall, with limited community, relying on the Lord to provide financially through the giving of others. Sometimes, my sisters are home on the weekends, which is awesome. It’s not my ideal world, but for this season, I want to enjoy it cause God knows it’s good for me.

When it comes to times of the year, autumn is my favorite season.  I could take pictures all day long of the changing beauty. Fall is something I don’t really get to experience in Florida. Last year, a friend and her kids (Bethany Montgomery!) mailed me some fall leaves. It made my week when I got that letter! This fall, I am thankful that God has me here in Michigan to experience it.
Three times this week, I got to spend time with my cute niece Addison. She is starting to walk on her own, pointing to everything thing and asking, “What’s that?”.  She impresses me each time with the amount of sign language she knows! Remember when you were a baby? How frustrating it was to communicate but you couldn’t speak yet? (Yeah, me either… but!) Being on this side of the communication wall, it is so cool to communicate with her as she uses the motion of her hands… at age 16 months! She even creates sentences out of them – “Please” “More” “Milk”. 

It makes me think of that movie Baby Genius. The babies eventually “cross over” to adult communication abilities. I wonder if, to some extent, that biologically really happens (and maybe that’s a dumb and obvious fact I just don’t know)… Either way, I love watching this season of her life unfold as she learns to communicate.

Also while being at home, I’m meeting up with lots of supporters, family and friends. It’s great to catch up on life and reconnect with people who I don’t get to see on a regular basis. Especially as I will be moving 22 hours away to work in Orlando. This is a season that I want to learn to appreciate and be thankful for – reflecting on all the people who make it possible for me to be a missionary.
Seasons come and go. It’s good to enjoy where you are and what God is teaching you in that time. It is also important to remember that He is faithful through out all seasons and stages of life. Praise Him for that!

“8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6: 8-10

Monday, October 22, 2012

"God Save the Queen"

"What does it mean?" We were both puzzled, unsure of the origin of this phrase.

Last October, during my internship with Campus Crusade for Christ in Orlando, I met Meena. She had been interning with the Disney program for several months and still wanting to experience some true American culture. As our initial conversation continued to unfold, so our friendship began.

We baked that apple pie right there, oh yes we did.

We ended up spending the classic, American holiday - Thanksgiving - together. I think Meena would agree, that this was a good "taste" of American traditions.

In the next couple of weeks in December and early January, we continued to hang out, going out to eat at classic American restaurants like Cracker Barrel and the Cheesecake Factory. We had many conversations about our internships, living in different countries, culture and religion. Based on the questions she asked, I knew Meena was definitely searching for the satisfaction only a relationship with God could bring.
Dinner at Cracker Barrel - biscuits and gravy! 

As the end of January approached, so did the end of Meena's internship and ultimately, her time in Orlando. As limited as it was, I was excited and thankful for the time we had spent together. We continued to stay in touch through out the spring and summer months. I was trusting God to continue to work in Meena's life as she had moved home.

WHICH HE DID!!! A couple of days ago, I skyped with Meena and she told me she had become a Christian!!! 

She explained to me that our friend Bryn had described the gospel in a creative way. We each have report cards, full of C's and D's, but Jesus has a report card full of A+'s! Because Jesus loves us so much, He is willing to trade His report card with us, so we can succeed and have a relationship with Him.

This August, she was visiting friends in Orlando. During her visit, she faced some challenges and tough choices. Toward the end of her trip, as she was processing life, her future and her journey thus far, she decided she wanted to trade report cards with Jesus. She realized He was pursuing her and wasn't going to stop.

Praise God for technology!
Since then, "I've been focusing on God, learning to really enjoy Him. My job right now is to become more Christian (Christ-like) everyday" Meena said this afternoon. My jaw dropped a little bit at how God has been transforming Meena in her newfound relationship with Him. Truely awesome!

It was so great to hear more of her testimony/story, listen to her questions and experiences as a new Christian. I asked her if I could write about her and share prayer requests.

Please pray:

  • First that Meena would continue to trust in the Spirit and His work in her life.
  • For a teachable heart to soak up the Word
  • For patience and trusting God to heal and lead
And Praise God for a new sister in Christ!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

It's here! It's here!!

Praise God!!! The Jesus Film App has now been released for download in the Apple Store, with the Android app soon to follow in the Google Play store.

Please download it, play with it and let me know what you think! Tell your friends, post it to Facebook, Twitter or email your friends.

Know of some missionaries overseas? Share this with them! Think of how this will help them communicate the gospel in the native tongue of the country they are serving in.

I would also love to be in contact with any missionaries you may know of - email me their contact info so I can encourage, inform and share ideas with them. As someone who has lived overseas in a country where I did not know the language very well, I can see so much potential for this ministry tool!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thankfulness, Prayer and Hope: September

Things I am thankful for...

  • A supportive family who believes in what I am doing with my life
  • Reaching 50% of my support raising goal
  • The season of fall: changing color of leaves, apple cider, football games
  • Dark chocolate and it's wonderful flavor
  • The ability to laugh at myself
Things I am praying and trusting the Lord for...
  • Connecting with the other 50% of my support team
  • Searching, budgeting and buying a "new" car
  • Relationships - a lot of my genuine community is at a distance and I want to use this 'solo' time to draw closer to Him
  • The official release of the Jesus Film Media app for Apple products (sooooo soon - check my blog again this week maybe!!!) 
  • Daily surrender to trust Him and His leading
Things I am hopeful and looking forward to...
  • Eventually buying my own, first, nice car
  • Reporting to my job with Jesus Film Media in Orlando
  • The New Staff Follow Up conference in October
  • Hopefully running the Turkey Trot in the Detroit Thanksgiving Day parade
  • Snow... can I say that? It's almost been 2 years!!! I want to snowboard so baddd

Friday, September 28, 2012

Here's a question for ya...

When it comes to blogs, what do you like to read about?

I've realized that a lot of times I write about my job, how I have seen God at work, prayer requests and recently I've posted videos...

The reason I started this blog two years ago, was to stay connected with family and friends when I was living overseas. After being State-side for over a year, I have continued to blog and this and that - and I admit, I've enjoyed looking at the statistics of readers. I'm analytical like that *adjusts nerdy glasses*.

So I was wondering... for you as the reader, what do you like to read about? When I read other people's blogs, I personally like pictures and different kinds of media and obviously cool stories. I want to write posts that are meaningful, playful, fun and refreshing. I want to share stories of encouragement, randomness, joy and amazement. 

Thoughts, ideas, opinions?

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus"

On Sunday, this song was played at church. I loved it.

When I drive, it's crazy how many times I find myself on "auto-pilot" driving by places, landmarks and roads I've seen hundreds of times before. As I was driving down a familiar road this morning, I found myself looking off into the distance and up to the clouds in the sky. Amazed by it's great vastness, it's unique beauty, it's unending horizon - I remembered God created all of that. Meaning not only is He creative, but He is HUGE.

He is a big, artistic, creative and caring God. In as much thought that went into that scene I saw for a few moments, how much more does He have precious thought, care, love, patience, and desire for what's best for me.

Often times, I find myself getting caught up in the here and now. I start grabbing at the "steering wheel of life" to steer it myself, rather than trust in where the Lord is leading. Sometimes, I take time to reflect on past life situations and experiences; (which I should do more because...) every single time, He has proven faithful. Looking back on the whole story, I can see where and how God was leading. Hind-sight is always 20/20 right? In reflecting on these moments, I want to continue to grow my trust in Him.

  1. ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
    Just to take Him at His Word;
    Just to rest upon His promise,
    And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
  2. Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus,
    Just to trust His cleansing blood;
    And in simple faith to plunge me
    ’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
  3. Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
    Just from sin and self to cease;
    Just from Jesus simply taking
    Life and rest, and joy and peace.
  4. I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,
    Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
    And I know that Thou art with me,
    Wilt be with me to the end.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"So, wait... you are home? For how long? Why?"

Yes. It is true. I am home in Michigan... and at that, for a while. Being on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ essentially means being a missionary. I think traditionally (as a kid this is what I thought too), when people think of missionaries,  they think of overseas, using a Bible to point others to Christ while living in the bush of Africa.

But, in fact, being a missionary can mean living in the United States also. Which is what I get to do! Eventually, I will be doing ministry with Jesus Film down in Orlando, Florida at the headquarters for Campus Crusade for Christ.

The Jesus Film was started in 1979, and is a docudrama of the gospel of Luke from the Bible. In the last 30+ years, the film has been translated into more that 1,180 languages! It is reported that 225 million people have come to know Christ as their personal Savior after watching the film in their own native tongue. We have new projects and tools that will help make these films, as well as other Jesus Film products, available to everyone - missionary or corporate individual, in the bush of Africa or in the suburb of Detroit.

The front end of a missionaries job is to partner with people, both in prayer and finances. Which brings me to explain why I am home: home to meet with current and new supporters. (I'm also excited to be home for a Michigan fall! Beautiful weather!!) People who have a heart for Jesus Film ministry, people who want the gospel to be shared across the world, people who have a desire to support missionaries, people who see their calling as "sending and supporting" verses " going to the field", and people who just like to be generous or people who God has called them to give. Maybe you fall into one of those categories...

The other day, God graciously reminded me that is nothing I say or do or show to people I meet with that persuades them to give. Three weeks ago, I met with a family, who ended up deciding not to support me. This past Sunday, with a beaming smile, she gave me a hug and wrote me a check saying God had been working on their hearts and wanted them to support me - $1,200!!?!

What does my week look like? Phone calls, working through a seminary class, thank you cards, emails, voice mails, prayer letters, keeping track of supporters giving, phone calls, follow up conversations, writing blogs, meeting with people, and more phone calls! I am learning to be content in whatever the circumstance (Phil.4:11), while also looking forward to actually starting the position with Jesus Film down in Orlando!

So, I will be home for a few months while I meet with people and share about the ministry God has called me to for the next couple years of my life. I could be home till next month, January 2013, August 2013 or really any time - it's completely up to God's timing.

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:19 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

STINT Briefing 2012

Friends! I am very excited to be in Chicago this week. I've met up with supporters/friends both new and old. Tonight, I came to the 2012 STINT Briefing. I attended it two years ago before heading to France as a STINTer. It is a time of preparation for the year of ministry ahead.

I am attending it this time as Jesus Film staff! My teammate Nifer and I will be giving a vision/explanation for Jesus Film (Friday between 11:00 am -12:30 pm CST). Specifically, we will be explaining all the cool new tools and videos available in most languages of the world! Please pray our time is well spent!

Tonight alone, I was able to share with STINTers going to Italy, Bosnia, Slovenia, Ghana and France about the new app (I have the trial app on my phone! It's so cool!)!!! There are 380 STINTers going to 35 countries. These Jesus Film tools will be a great aide in ministry.

The Jesus Film Media app for Apple products will be released soon, with Android soon to follow. For more info, visit:

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Back in December, I went to a Cru conference called 'Indy Christmas Conference'. It was here that I first met Tracy. We talked about a good big about interning with Cru. A few months later, our paths crossed again at another Cru conference called 'Big Break' in Panama City Beach, Florida. Tracey shared with me she was strongly considering interning with Cru - specifically with the Year One intern program I did this past year!
"I am really excited to see what God has in store for me in Orlando. I expect to be challenged and stretched in many ways. I'm most excited to be with a community of believers and work in a hospitality capacity planning events, as I am a Hospitality Business graduate from Michigan State University. 
Being able to use my college experience and skills in ministry will be a new platform that I am eager to learn about. Cru was such a vital part of my time as a student that I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to influence other students in their walks with the Lord through the conferences and events I will help plan over the next year. 
From the day I heard of YearOne till now, Hannah has answered questions, shared past experiences, and guided me in my decision making process. It has been absolutely wonderful knowing someone who has gone through it all before. 
In my life.. would you keep my Grandparents in your prayers as they are going through a transition in life at the age of 90 and are in need of physical healing! Also, I ask that you keep me and my new intern team in your prayers as we accumulate to our new life in FL."

Check out her blog:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The dorm life...

Almost 5 weeks of living in a dorm - longest dorm stay of my life! Since I went to community college my freshman year, I missed out on living on a floor with girls. It's been fun getting to know the other gals joining staff, hearing their stories, placements/assignments and learning people's routines. Each morning, when I walk into the women's bathroom (conveniently located across the hall) there are a few ladies who are always there. Kelly blow drying her hair, Elizabeth washing her face, Lauren brushing her teeth - we are a clean bunch! Among other things, I'm known as the girl who jams to her iPhone while singing in the shower.

As much as this experience has been joyful, it make me all the more ready for my own place. Decorating rooms, hosting dinner parties, kitchen supplies, as Patty noted "having a glass of ice water at my disposal". So true.

This week, the final week of New Staff Training for Campus Crusade for Christ, is called "MPD Week". MPD stands for Ministry Partner Development. We are receiving training on what it means to invite others to partner with us in furthering His Kingdom. I like the idea of partnership. 

"Partnership: A relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal."
Last night, we made our first calls to start making appointments to meet with potential partners. Pictured are some friends from my class: Ryan, Taylor and Kelly. We are all working for Jesus Film in some sort of fashion!

Its getting me excited about raising support as I join staff with Jesus Film! If you don't know much about Jesus Film, check out some of my recent posts - I've posted a few informative videos and links.Of course if you have questions, I can answer those too!

In 9 days, I will begin the drive home, back to Michigan. I should be around for a few months, specifically as long as support raising takes.

If you are interested in joining my team, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to talk to you about what that could look like, because there are many ways! Just send me an email hannah.booth(at)cru(dot)org

Monday, July 2, 2012

Final exam at 9 AM today!

During my Into to Theology class, I've learned God is omnipresent. Whenever you read this, I would love some prayers for our final exam! I've learned many interesting things in the past two weeks - from Creationism, End Times, Angelology and Christology. Would you say a quick prayer the exam goes well?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My 100th Post: Seminary Classes

Oh man. Seminary classes. I've enjoyed learning more about Theology, but it has taken quite a while to get back into the groove of all that is encompassed in "school". Two more days and then we're done with Intro to Theology and Bible Study Methods!

(The lecture hall for both classes. I'm thankful for the breaks!)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


As I was waiting for my Geunius Bar appointment at Apple, I realized I was getting a little impatient. The word "entitlement" popped into my head. I looked around, and there were many people waiting to have their questions answered, their products serviced or purchased. Why did I have this feeling of, "I made an appointment. I was here on time. I have things to do."?

What breeds this concept of entitlement? American culture? The media? My selfishness?

Just some unfinished thoughts...

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Staff Training: Week 2 Day 1

Man, I remember why I never chose 8:00 am classes. They are brutal to a night owl like myself! I am hoping my mental morning capacity will be able to soak in the lectures of my first seminary class "Intro to Christian Theology". Should be a good one!

It's been about 2.5 years since I've been registered for any type of class. I hope I remember how to learn and study cause these are some interesting classes!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

TV for the driver?

Headed back to America this morning. The driver was really nice, but I was a little nervous... if you notice in the picture, there is a TV screen. For the driver. That's playing a movie - I think Jurassic Park. While he is driving. Eventually he realized the one on the back of the head rest for me was not on and turned it on for me. I commented on the "funny" fact the driver had a TV also. He laughed and turned it off.

Hopefully not lost in translation

It's about 6:45 p.m. here at the conference. Glad to report our presentations went well - we hope!

First, we showed this clip (Once our digital platform is launched, we will be able to embed video clips like this. Special thanks to JP Erickson for help with subtitles.):

First. I talked about the easiness of streaming the Jesus Film from our website. It is currently available in over 1,150 languages! And once the digital platform is finished, people from across the world will be able to download the full length film! We are hoping to create partnerships with different communication centers across this part of the world, as well as globally with others. I then talked about embedding videos to blogs, emails and social media sites from Jesus Film Media. Embedding these videos from our secure digital platform will allow for solid follow up, real statistics and create more of a unified optimization of these videos in ministry.

Nifer then talked about the power of social media and how we can utilize our presence on the various forms: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blogs. She also shared with them about the exciting future plans we have once our digital platform is complete.  Partnering with Jesus Film Media will allow us to track views, check demographics and see what parts of films are most viewed. We can also share the successful strategies and plans with other communication centers across the world.

After our presentation people were able to have some good discussions among their different communication teams: Radio, Television, Communication, Internet and Literature. We walked around answering questions as asked.

During the afternoon, we ate lunch with two girls from Central Asia. They shared a story about when they used a clip from Magdalena, during a conversation with students they met, both of those girls came to Christ! It was great to hear about their ministry on campus. They also tried teaching us Russian - which is incredibly hard!

It has been a great time here, reconnecting with national staff. Early tomorrow morning (4 a.m. here)/tonight (10 p.m. Florida) I will start my journey back to Orlando. Prayers for connections, safety and sleep would be greatly appreciated.

Prayers for JFM today

I should have posted this last night so time-wise anyone who reads this would get it before hand. But our God is outside of time, so prayers whenever you read this would be helpful in furthering His Kingdom! Today, Matt, Nifer and I will be presenting the vision for Jesus Film Media and how we would like to build relationships with each of the nationals in furthering the gospel. Please pray that the Lord uses us as His vessels and speaks through us well, what we communicate is translated in a clear way and that they see the eternal value of partnering with us.

I'll post again today!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

"11 hour sleepover with strangers"

'Sleeping' on the airplane is always a challenge. I laughed to myself as I was boarding the plane yesterday, thinking "I am about to have a huge sleepover...with lots of strangers." Well,  'sleep' is used loosely - crying babies, a chair for a bed, trying not to touch your neighbor and the loud national who decides the middle of the night is a great time to have a shouted discussion. Not to mention having an aisle seat, so when your row-mates have to use the loo, one's 'sleep' is limited.

All that to say, the flight was pretty smooth. The food was alright. I also had a seat two rows from the front. What killed me was all the empty first class seats - I almost just moved there in the middle of the night. "Coulda, woulda, shoulda but I didn't do that" as Celine Dion would say.

I was only slightly nervous, this being the longest flight I've been on, and at that, alone. I have been realizing as I sit here waiting for my final flight, how much I learned even about traveling internationally last year when I was on STINT. I am very thankful for those experiences that have made me an aware and fairly confident traveler. Don't worry mom (and other moms out there), I will be safe and won't put myself in unsafe situations.

Favorite moments so far:
- The little boy on the first flight who was so aware of the airplane, and asking a million questions about flying.
- The middle eastern music playing throughout the airports.
- Seeing all these women wearing/traveling in wedge heals! I love wedges. I want to buy another pair when I get back. The only pair I currently have, I bought when I was in high school - last time they were fashionable :)
- An email from a national friend I am hoping to spend some time with during my time here.

More to come....