I realize the blessings and opportunities I get to experience while interning with Cru. As most of you know, I will be working a conference in Spain next week for all the interns working internationally (STINTers). It will be fun to be back at this conference as a conference team member, as opposed to last year when I attended as a STINTer.
Since I had planned on being on "that side of the pond" months ago, I decided to take a detour before the conference and visit my team from last year as well as their new members. It has been great to reconnect with my old teammates as well as French friends I wasn't sure I would see again! Tonight, we had dinner with Charlene and Kevin. (I met Charlene at the grocery story early last year. It was so great to see her!)
So earlyyyyy tomorrow morning (4:50 am France = 10:50pm Florida) I will be joining the Paris Operations STINT team for an outreach at the French town hall. This is the place immigrants (mainly North Africans) line up for visas and other official government papers as early at 2 am! We will be going to give them hot chocolate and gift bags of goodies and calendars with Bible verses in French and Arabic. Hopefully, we will be engaging in some spiritual conversations too. I'm not quite sure how I will be able to communicate since my French not only limited but rusty - but I am excited to be there to help this team reach North Africans!
I will be posting more, maybe tomorrow, on how it went :) Thanks in advance for your prayers!
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