Things are going well here in Chicago! Here are a few more short stories from yesterday and today:
*Names changed for security reasons
- Yesterday, I bought 14 mini iPads (iPad Mini). This year, a STINT team is
pioneering a new digital strategy. Similar to the "World Race", this
team of 14, will be headed to 9 countries over the course of this year.
The goal is to use technology, partnering with The JESUS Film Project
to raise up national leaders in these countries and start ministry
movements. I am praying that they get to experience radical things and
are able to share what they learn with us at Jesus Film Media. It's like
they are our field testers! How cool is that??
- Today, I met for lunch with the first ever STINT team headed to The Netherlands. I was really excited to meet with them, as they are my alma mater's (Grand Valley State University) campus partnership. I was able to show and train them with the foundational functions of the JFM app. They were all excited for the possibilities of how they can incorporate it in their ministry this coming year. A few of them still have some support to raise. Will you pray God provides for them soon?
- This afternoon, my teammate Danny and I, met with a national from North Africa, named Mohammed*. He is in a influential leadership role for our companies digital ministry called Virtual Led Movement. During our meeting, he also told us that most college students in his country, have smart phones - which is why he wants to know how to share the app. It was a simple training done in 5 minutes! We also specifically showed Mohammed the valuable method of downloading the films to the user's device - which, once downloaded, eliminates the need for data or wifi. He is excited to take this news back to his country and share with his team!

*Names changed for security reasons
Excellent news, Hannah!! Keep up the great work - for His kingdom!