Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A little more on Psalm 23 (part B if you will)

Several months ago, I wrote a blog post about Psalm 23.  This passage is just too good and speaks to my soul... so I decided to write a little more...

- No good thing does HE withhold.
- God determines what we need, and what is good for us.
- HE is my Shepherd and HE:
  1. MAKES me lie down in green pastures. (not just any pastures, GREEN ones!)
  2. LEADS me besides still waters (did you know that sheep only drink from still water?)
  3. RESTORES my soul - strengthens, comforts, causes me to slow down and benefit from the green pastures and still waters
  4. LEADS me on paths of righteousness - the way that is truly the best - for HIS name's sake! (It's all for HIS glory, not to fulfill my desires or wants)
                  (Then it turns even more personal)
  5. Especially in the hard times, YOU are WITH me
  6. YOU PREPARE lavishly and abundantly so my cup overflows in blessings (one reason we need to slow down and rest in those green pastures and drink from the still waters, is to appreciate how HE is filling our cup!)
  7. YOU PURSUE me by YOUR goodness and mercy that follow me - (the phrase"follow me" in Hebrew ["radaph"] means - to attend closely to,  follow after,  pursue,  run after) (How cool is that? GOD is actually "running" after me, pursuing me with HIS goodness, and all to often am too busy to take time and appreciate it)

    Nerja, Spain. I'm a sunset kinda gal. I think God has made sunsets as a part of my "green pastures and still waters".
    I love watching God's creativity and beauty displayed differently every time!

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