"Hey Hannah!
I wanted to tell about a cool story that happened while I was traveling home from my STINT year in the Middle East. On my long flight from Germany to Detroit, I sat down next to a girl
from Poland. She was a Physics PHD student traveling to the US for a
week to do two experiments at the Michigan State University Cyclotron. This was exciting for me ... you know MSU!
As we chatted, we started to talk about her boyfriend and relationships and I shared my testimony with her about how finding Jesus' love gave me the strength to get out of an unhealthy relationship. For her being a scientist, she explained that most people in Poland are catholic but that she isn't sure there's a God. I explained that for me, also as a scientist, i really needed proof of Gods work and existence and that he has given me that through a series of things that match up with his Word in the Bible.
I also got to share about how Jesus interacted with women in the Bible and how this was different than how many religious leaders would have. As we were exchanging names and contact information, I asked about her name, Magda. I asked how she got her name and she explained that it is short for Magdalena. I told her that it was beautiful that she was named after someone with a beautiful story of redemption. I asked her if she'd ever seen the movie named after her. She said no and was intrigued so I pulled out my iPhone and showed her the Magdalena film on my app. We couldn't watch it right then, but she brought up the film later in our conversation again and said she really wants to watch it when she gets home.
I'm hoping to swing by East Lansing this afternoon or Thursday to have lunch with her. Praise the Lord for his work in her life and pray with me that the film will stick with her every time she remembers her name.
Erica :)"

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