Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Some things that I've learned in my Old Testament Survey Class (I guess you could say I'm studying for my final exam!)

The God of Abundance
  • Jesus quotes the book of Deuteronomy the most of any book in the Old Testament
  • Jesus is the 2nd Adam - like the Israelites, He fled to Egypt, crossed the Jordan river, endured 40 days (vs.years) of struggle and temptation.
  • HE is the God of abundance!
Topography and Climate 
  • In the Ancient days, Israel was the center location - surrounded by Asia, Africa and Europe.
  • Water is a sign of fertility.
  • Tigris and Euphrates - two important rivers (Tigris is the Top or northern river)
  • Assyria defeated the north. It's capital is Ninevah.
  • Babylonia defeated the south. It's capital is Babylon.
  • In general, traveling East is a bad choice - it symbolizes leaving the sanctuary. (Example: Genesis 13:11 - Lot leaves Abraham, and well, we know his life wasn't that easy after that...)
  • Israel isn't that big: 250 miles long, 80 miles wide
  • When it comes to topography, high pressure = good (no, rain); low pressure = hurricanes and tornadoes).
  • The main industry of ancient times was agriculture, therefore most of Old Testament scriptures comment or refer to weather patterns and seasons.
  • When it came to agriculture - there were two main seasons: plowing and planting (Proverbs 20:4)
  • Israel's location was dependent on the weather - which we know is controlled by God, therefore bringing dependence on God.
  •  There are 3 main things harvested: grain, grapes and olives (Deuteronmy 7:13)
  •  There are three main festivals: 
    • Passover/Unleavened Bread/First fruits - done before the harvesting grain(start grain)
      • Lord's supper - fulfilled
    • Festival of Weeks - celebrating the end of harvest (end grain)
      • Fulfilled at Pentecost with the giving of the Spirit
    • Festival of Tabernacles (Booths) - wine is ready for consumption (enjoy grain)
      •  Not yet fulfilled - eschatological feast - time of final "in-gathering"
  • Each happen once a year and last a week!
  • They also rest for the New Moon (once a month) and Sabbath (once a week)
  • "The river" in the Old Testament, refers to the Euphrates (southern river)
  •  Tell/tel - Hebrew: "ruin", Arabic: "mound"
  • Stratigraphic - layers in the ground
    • Layer method (studying layer by layer - time and money) vs. Trench method (dig a trench and take a sample of each layer - better method) 
  • Archaeology can corroborate general historicity and reliability of Biblical record
    • It cannot prove theology of the Bible
    • It can illustrate Biblical context 
  • Whenever the ancients finished something, they celebrated with a party
  • Even in heaven, we will be approximating - we will never have all of God's knowledge. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Grandma - Jeanne Margaret Booth: March 11th, 1928 - June 22nd, 2013

Diet Coke.
Soup spoons.
"Want some souse?!"
Cheese Dreams at the cottage.
Her secret, delicious brownie recipe.
Eating honey nut cheerios in her bed.
Sarasota, Florida and Bayfield, Canada.
Her love for golf and her grapefruit tree.
Bathing her grand kids in the kitchen sink.
Her never ending supply of Werther's Originals.
Always wanting to lovingly serve her childhood sweetheart.
Her long, black night gown with the two white stripes across the front.
"Hurry! You can catch Grandpa - he just left to get the paper at the Sugarbush!"
As a child, holding my hand so tight, I thought she was practicing how to make lemonade!

And in recent days, she often asked, "Where's John?"

Jeanne Margaret Booth: March 11th, 1928 - June 22nd, 2013
You don't have to wonder any more Grandma. Today, you've been reunited with Grandpa after almost 3 years. And even more importantly, with your Savior, Jesus. While today is a bittersweet day, I want to choose the "sweet" part, knowing you are no longer hindered by Alzheimer's, reunited with your 1st and 2nd loves, enjoying paradise with the King of the world.

I miss you and look forward to seeing you again someday. I love you Grandma.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Addison Olivia Burrell: June * 17th * 2011

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb." Psalm 139:13
Two years ago today, a beautiful baby girl was born: Addison Olivia Burrell.

I can't begin to describe the love I have for this little girl - and she's not even my own! Addie's giggles, smiles, fashion sense, her tender and sensitive heart... I just love her!

Two and a half years ago, while living in France, I found out my sister Olivia was pregnant. As a teenager, she wanted a traditional family for the baby and chose the loving option: adoption. And I am so proud of her for doing that; enduring hard times, and wanting to give the gift of life to a precious baby.

By God's grace, a wonderful family - who actually go to our church and live down the street from my parents - were just the family God had intended to raise and care for this sweet girl. They love her SO much!

Again, by God's grace, our lives continue to grow together - I'm aunt Hannah, my parents are Grandma and Grandpa, etc. Really, it's like they've adopted our whole family. Every time I am home, I get to see her. Actually, when the Burrell's were on spring break in Florida, I saw them several times - including them coming to visit me at my office with Jesus Film - which meant a lot to me! 

I am so thankful I still get to be apart of my niece, Addison's life. It truly is a gracious blessing from the Lord.  

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Check out this Facebook album of when Addie was born