Thursday, June 26, 2014


It's my coffee-iversary. The 2nd one to be exact.

All throughout high school, college and even my two years interning with Campus Crusade, I survived without drinking coffee. (Note: I still don't need coffee to survive, I know, it's just realllllly helpful in the mornings for a "night-owl".)

And then, New Staff Training happened.

Oh how I love Winter Park and Rollins College. So many memories! Early mornings, late nights, seminary classes, lots of reading - oh, and trying to have a social life too. To maximize my summer, I thought I would "give" coffee a try. Mocha... iced mocha, to be exact. Mmm.

The rooms we used for our seminary classes did not allow drinks inside. Sort of by force, my friends and I started "coffee day-care".
We'd drop off our mugs and cups right outside our class door, only to check back in during the break and finish (Towards the end of the week, there were some rebels sitting in the back... and I may have been one of them).

Over time, I've come to appreciate the flavor and warmth of coffee - yes, even beyond a mocha. I've now explored coffees from many of the places I've traveled to - including the Netherlands, Panama and Brazil.
I love my Bodum french press.

It's perfect with a stroopwafel from the Netherlands.

Panamanian Kotowa coffee had the #4 coffee in the world in 2006.

Brazil coffee is generally strong and bold in flavor.

In these last two years, with a cup-a-joe in my hand, I've had many quality conversations, heartfelt quiet times and moments of learning to enjoy the morning hours. (I think I also feel a little more like an adult for liking coffee - haha!) 

Cheers to your next cup!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A little more on Psalm 23 (part B if you will)

Several months ago, I wrote a blog post about Psalm 23.  This passage is just too good and speaks to my soul... so I decided to write a little more...

- No good thing does HE withhold.
- God determines what we need, and what is good for us.
- HE is my Shepherd and HE:
  1. MAKES me lie down in green pastures. (not just any pastures, GREEN ones!)
  2. LEADS me besides still waters (did you know that sheep only drink from still water?)
  3. RESTORES my soul - strengthens, comforts, causes me to slow down and benefit from the green pastures and still waters
  4. LEADS me on paths of righteousness - the way that is truly the best - for HIS name's sake! (It's all for HIS glory, not to fulfill my desires or wants)
                  (Then it turns even more personal)
  5. Especially in the hard times, YOU are WITH me
  6. YOU PREPARE lavishly and abundantly so my cup overflows in blessings (one reason we need to slow down and rest in those green pastures and drink from the still waters, is to appreciate how HE is filling our cup!)
  7. YOU PURSUE me by YOUR goodness and mercy that follow me - (the phrase"follow me" in Hebrew ["radaph"] means - to attend closely to,  follow after,  pursue,  run after) (How cool is that? GOD is actually "running" after me, pursuing me with HIS goodness, and all to often am too busy to take time and appreciate it)

    Nerja, Spain. I'm a sunset kinda gal. I think God has made sunsets as a part of my "green pastures and still waters".
    I love watching God's creativity and beauty displayed differently every time!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cool story from at STINTer coming home from the Middle East

"Hey Hannah!

I wanted to tell about a cool story that happened while I was traveling home from my STINT year in the Middle East. On my long flight from Germany to Detroit, I sat down next to a girl from Poland. She was a Physics PHD student traveling to the US for a week to do two experiments at the Michigan ​State ​University Cyclotron. This was exciting for me ... you know MSU!

As we chatted, we started to talk about her boyfriend and relationships and I shared my testimony with her about how finding Jesus' love gave me the strength to get out of an unhealthy relationship. For her being a scientist, she explained that most people in Poland are catholic but that she isn't sure there's a God. I explained that for me, also as a scientist, i really needed proof of Gods work and existence and that he has given me that through a series of things that match up with his Word in the Bible.

I also got to share about how Jesus interacted with women in the Bible and how this was different than how many religious leaders would have. As we were exchanging names and contact information, I asked about her name, Magda. I asked how she got her name and she explained that it is short for Magdalena. I told her that it was beautiful that she was named after someone with a beautiful story of redemption. I asked her if she'd ever seen the movie named after her. She said no and was intrigued so I pulled out my iPhone and showed her the Magdalena film on my app. We couldn't watch it right then, but she brought up the film later in our conversation again and said she really wants to watch it when she gets home.

I'm hoping to swing by East Lansing this afternoon or Thursday to have lunch with her. Praise the Lord for his work in her life and pray with me that the film will stick with her every time she remembers her name.

Erica :)"

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Driko - our Brazilian contact

While in Brazil, we worked with a Brazilian guy named Driko. He is 26 years old, a Biology teacher, and currently learning English as an extra curricular activity. 

Driko has an amazing network and did a lot to help make the trainings in the various cities happen. I recently received this message on Facebook from him. (He did write in Portuguese, so I used Google translate in to English - I love technology!)

This is the group we trained in Curitiba, Brazil. Driko is pictured bottom left, wearing a hat.

"Hannah - I wish I had said many things [during our time in Brazil]. I wish I have spoken more with you and your friends the Jesus Film, but my limitations with the language does not let me do it

I want you to know that I loved being with you and that in fact now the mission starts here, there is still much to be done! The communities in which we [trained] are very excited to work!  

What I can promise is just my willingness to work and my dedication to learning English, only to be able to share with you and others to experience life and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from these contexts and our realities!"

So thankful for young leaders like Driko who are passionate about making Christ known to the nations!