Monday, December 30, 2013


The last few months have been chaotic with lots of travel. Adventure, culture, friends, conferences, trainings... all good things! 

This week, I'm currently at another conference with 600+ attendees, representing JESUS Film.

The first night, I joined the conference in their worship set. Again, I was reminded how much I love singing! As a college student, I was apart of the worship band at Grand Valley State. It has been too long since I've been apart of a servant team like this.

With all my travel, I don't always get to partake in corporate worship with other believers. So I'm SOAKING THIS IN! I feel like the last time I was able to experience something like this was this summer out in Colorado, at Cru's All Staff Conference.

Please enjoy and maybe take some time to worship through this song: 

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

Monday, December 9, 2013

Remedies for recovering from having your wisdom teeth out

Last week, I joined the "wisdom-teeth-out" club. Did you know it exists? Well, it does - I mean, at least it should based on the things you have to experience! (I don't recommend Youtubing 'Wisdom Teeth Removal' - though, truth be told, while I did find it gross, it was also fascinating! In another life, I think it would be interesting to be a surgeon.)

As I know my roommate in college, Kaitlyn would despise it, I won't go into gory detail of the surgery (partly because I don't remember a thing as I was completely knocked out). I do want to note some life lessons and remedies I might offer to those who have this journey ahead of themselves.

Note: post surgery, I don't think I did anything like this:



  • Do have ice packs on hand. I might suggest 4 so you can swap them out in pairs as you cradle your face to ease the swelling. 
    I would wrap the ice pack with a paper towel for my face, and hold it with the towel so my hand didn't freeze.
  • Do buy 'soft-food-groceries' the day before. I purchased soups (Cream of whatever - you can eventually "graduate" to soups of substance like Chicken and Wild Rice - though I did not eat the Chicken), yogurt, Jello and pudding, fruit and Kale for smoothies and, if your careful, popsicles.

  • Do rent or gain access to movies - library, Netflix, Hulu, etc. Reading was a hard option as usually both of my hands were busy holding the ice to my face. 
  • Do download the app "Over Drive Media". At the recommendation of my sister (heyyo Liv!), I did download this awesome FREE app. It connects you to your library to virtually check out audio books! I've been listening to the Hunger Games (one of the movies I watched) :).
  • Do take it easy! There would be moments of pent up energy, that would be spent all to quickly doing the most basic things - like changing my ice packs. This was probably the hardest for me to do/be patient with/learn.
  • Do take Ibprufen to help with swelling! I...I...I have been a chipmunk for 4 days and wish I would have taken these more often sooner.
  • Do rinse your mouth with salt water. For me, it at least made me feel like I was cleaning the area of possible food.
  • Don't take your antibiotic and pain medicine (usually Vicodin) at the same time! It causes explosions in your stomach and vomiting will occur. Trust me, I know. Alternate every two hours between the two pills. And need be, cut the Vicodin in half - that helped me a lot!
  • Don't eat solid foods. You will miss them but just don't.
  • Don't use straws! The vacuum/sucking action of your mouth could cause the sockets in your now empty gum cavity to re-open and not heal as quickly. Praises I avoided that!
  • Did I mention don't take your antibiotic and Vicodin at the same time? Cause it's the worst.
Looking back, I really thought I would be in more pain post-surgery. Coming off a busy work schedule this past month, and as inconvienet as having teeth pulled is, I'm pretty confident God knew this would be the best time for me to do it. It forced me to rest, to do nothing, which was hard for me to do. But very needed.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Hola Panama

A picture of the whole conference
Panama was such a fruitful time in meeting staff as well as students of Latin America. So many relationships were built - I've even been invited to speak and train staff and students in El Salvador!

My teammate Gabe and I shared about the history and purpose of Jesus Film Media and all that is encompassed in our digital ministry. I went through an app training of all the ins and outs of app features. I am thankful God chose to use me train over 100 people from 21 countries in this revolutionary ministry tool.

Part of the Jesus Film Media team

As the week progressed, Gabe and I fostered a team of Latin American staff and students, as they dreamed, strategist and planned ways to use technology to reach the digital work - specifically those in Latin America. Those who chose to be on our team, did so because they saw great value in using The JESUS Film clips in their ministry. It was great to work with them and be encouraged by their passion and charisma to share Jesus with people in their scope of ministry.
Countries represented: Costa Rica, Panama and Venezuela

Sunday, December 1, 2013

..The taste of death...

Yes, it is something for the mind to truly chew on. (Note: this really isn't a dark post.)

Since June, I've experience great loss: my generous Grandma Booth, my sweet Great Aunt Doris (both of whom had personal relationships with God) and my favorite childhood dog, Rocky; all passed away. Each of them left a great impression on my life ...and I won't go on to comment about animals after death... but I do want to talk about death.

Tonight, I was reading in Hebrews 2, and verse 9 caught my attention:

"...But we see Him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone."

Death really isn't something everyone experiences. Death is eternal separation from God - which yes, happens when someone passes away, but only for those who never chose that personal relationship with God. Unfortunately, our world has perfected its art of distraction when it comes to keeping people away from a relationship with God.

Death was the agony Jesus truly felt when His physical body was dying on the cross - not really the physical pain. Because, out of this crazy love for us, He took on all sins of all man of all time as He hung on the cross, separation from the Father was a must. God could not and will not be connected to sin. And because of that, with all foreknowledge for both of Them, Jesus had to be separated from the Father.  


But there is light at the end of the tunnel! Which is the whole purpose of Jesus' life - which we are about to celebrate His birthday in a few weeks...
He came to taste DEATH so we didn't have to, and so we could truly live! And that is what one thing I want to keep in the foreground of my perspective this Christmas season.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thankfulness - Day 28, 29 and 30: SURPRISES, White Noise and Truth.

I am thankful for surprises! I decided last week to fly home for Thanksgiving - and kept it a secret from my siblings. I love family time, inside jokes, seeing my niece, mash potatoes with gravy, and laughter. 

I am thankful for the free 'white noise' app called "Sleep Machine Lite". It is a gem of an app - and I use it every night - at home, on planes, sharing a bed at a conference... yes.

I am thankful God gently reminds me He's got everything under control. It's all to often I find myself  trying to make sense of everything (probably my 'Activator/Strategic' side coming out)... but He reminds me:
"Hannah, don't limit MY creativity." - (John 11)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thankfulness - Days 24, 25 and 26: Videos of my niece, Fall and my friend Jennifer Visser!

I am thankful for little videos like from my adorable niece, Addison (she got a little distracted at the end) :

I am thankful for fall weather - time for boots, scarves and coats! 

I am thankful for my friend Jennifer Visser. Today, November 26th, is her GOLDEN BIRTHDAY! Jenn and I have shared so many memories together:
One of the FUNNIEST moments in my life - road tripping back from Summer Project in Virginia Beach, 2008. I don't think I've ever laughed as hard.

At the Summer Project final banquet.

Snowboarding in West Michigan.

Enjoying some fondu...

 Indy Christmas Conference senior year.

The honor of standing up in Jenn's wedding 9/10/11!

I love you Jenn!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thankfulness - Days 22 and 23: Spanglish and Dried Fruit

I am thankful for Spanglish. In my time here in Panama, I am rooming with two girls, students, from El Salvador. Ellie speaks a good amount of English and Marcela speaks a little. Funny enough, I've spent the last couple nights, talking more with Marcela - both of us learning and practicing each others languages.

Ellie is on my left and Marcela is on my right. We are sporting some Indigitous conference SWAG!

I am thankful for dried fruit, like raisins and banana chips, that travel well. Sometimes, the places we travel, we cannot eat the the fruit and vegetables because they are washed - and we don't know if our stomachs can handle the local water.

I bought these raisins in Sweden 2 weeks ago...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Field testing with the Netherlands STINT Team

Having dinner with the Netherlands STINT team at one of their favorite restaurants in Tilburg.

Last week, I was privileged to join the first Netherlands STINT team in their campus ministry. They welcomed me with laughter and open arms! During my stay with them, I toured the campus, met the Dutch staff they work with as well as many Dutch friends they have made in the 3 months they have lived in Tilburg.

Thursday morning, I joined their staff team meeting and cast vision of time we would later go on campus and initiate conversations with students. (Cru calls this "sharing" or in verb form "to go sharing".) They were all excited to get trained in using a new resource for campus ministry.
After the JFM training, everyone chose a few follow up questions before going out to "share".

I'll admit, I was a little nervous to go sharing again - it had been about 3 years since I went sharing back in my undergrad days at GVSU! But God graciously led Eric, Alyson and me to several conversations, in various degrees of Spirituality. Besides the valuable perspective I gained from this experience for JFM, it seemed to "stir the pot" of spiritual awareness among the Dutch students. Not every conversation led to a full explanation of Gospel, but we left them thinking more about God than they had the hour before we met.

I am excited to take what I have learned from this campus experience, and help refine the process - developing better follow up questions and possibly going sharing at UCF - the local campus near my apartment in Orlando. In fact, this whole experience warmed my heart to the idea of campus ministry. Who knows what's next! :) 

Yesterday, I received an email from Shelby, one of the Netherlands STINTers. Here is what she had to say:

"I had a followup today with a student we met using La Liberté and in our conversation she brought up how watching the film brought her to think about God again for the first time since she was a little kid. She told me about how far removed religion and spirituality are in the culture here, but how grateful she was that we came and talked with her and gave her the chance to start thinking through these things.

Thanks to the film, I was able to go through the gospel with her today and she wants to meet regularly to learn more about Christianity and who God really is!"

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankfulness - Day 19, 20 and 21: Worship in different languages, Hair Gel and Coffee.

I am thankful for worship in different languages:

I am thankful for hair gel. If I did not have access to some, my hair would be so crazy and out of control!

I am thankful for coffee. I've only been a "drinker" for about a year and a half. I've recently grown to appreciate different brewing methods, beans and types of coffee.
In 2006, Panamanian coffee 'Kotowa' was ranked 4th best in all of the world!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thankfulness - Days 14, 15, 16 and 17: Transportation, Marketing Jesus, Music and Photography

I am thankful for transportation. In the last ten days, I drove a car, rode a tram, flew in many planes, rode a few trains, took a couple bus rides, had a boat tour, took a taxi and rode a bike.

I am thankful for my job. When I graduated college with a Business and Marketing degree, I would never have guessed the experiences I have had, places I've visited, people I've met, and work God has prepared for me. It's cool that my job currently is essentially "marketing Jesus". I really enjoyed field testing via sharing on campus with the STINT team in Tilburg.

I am thankful for music. I've recently been enjoying the new 'Jenny and Tyler' album called "Open your doors". 

I am thankful for photography. It is one of my outlets for creativity. It gives me so much life! Cultures, shadows, angles, lighting, colors, people, motion, beauty, experiences, memories - I love them all.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thankfulness - Day 12: Verses of truth and perspective

I am thankful for verses of truth and perspective, reminding me of what is healthy and eternal.

"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” - Colossians 3:1-4

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:4-7 

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” - Romans 8:1-8 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankfulness - Day 11: Technology

I am thankful for technology like this, that tells us where films by The JESUS Film Project have been viewed.
"And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20

Thankfulness - Day 8, 9 and 10: Culture, Friends Abroad, and Creativity

I am thankful for the vast array of culture. You can learn so much from other people!

I am thankful for friends like Lindsey Hendrix, who live abroad. I am thankful God has called her to live our her faith in Sweden. I am thankful that He has given her such great ability to learn and speak Swedish so well! (I was very impressed!)

I am thankful for all of God's creativity. Being introduced to a new culture, seeing the "every-day-life" of a friend living in another country, and just appreciating the beauty of European architect. There is so much history and even Spiritual meaning behind some of the buildings.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankfulness - Day 6 and 7: Adventure, True Peace and Spiritual Conversations

I am thankful for adventure - memories, pictures, cultures, meeting new people, trying new food - there are always good stories that come from adventure!

I am thankful for true peace that only God can give. One of my bags was lost on a flight - in it are important things like my computer charger, SLR digital camera and gifts for missionaries I'm visiting. I'm choosing to rest in the peace of God, knowing HE knows exactly where it is and if/when it will be returned to me. Prayers for this would be appreciated!

I am thankful for spiritual conversations. This is something I develop ministry strategies using film, for these types of conversations in my "everyday office job". This morning, I met a girl on my flight, Marrieke, who was wearing a sweatshirt for the University/town I was traveling to. In the course of our gate-waiting, flight and train ride, we became friends (even on Facebook!), talked about University (College) life, work which led to spiritual things. In my small group from church, we've just started a study looking at the gospel more in-depth. Having this fresh on my mind and heart, God led me to share what the "gospel" is to her - as it can be a 'Christianese' word, that we sometimes don't take time to explain. Please pray with me that Marrieke will get connected to the Cru (Life Agapé) ministry here at her University (of which I have staff friends to connect her with!).

I am also thankful for the STINT partnerships that have developed with Jesus Film Media. They are the ones who help field test these ministry strategies using film - specifically internationally and across many different cultures. I am looking forward to field testing with the team in The Netherlands soon!  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thankfulness - Day 5: Cheesy pictures, Laugher and Girlfriends

I am thankful for all these silly laughing pictures.

I am thankful for the growing friendships between each of my college girlfriends in all the pictures over the years.

I am thankful there is ALWAYS laughter when we are together!

April 2009

March 2010

April 2010

July 2012
October 2013