Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Labelled: The Z Squad

Last night, I attended a new Bible study from the church I visited on Sunday. It has great potential of being my "church home" for my time here in Orlando.

It was somewhat refreshing being the "n00b" to the group. Just go and attend, maybe chirp in here and there. Growing up in the church with my natural strengths (and weaknesses), I always managed to be apart of some sort of leadership team. And I loved it.

It still, however, was refreshing to be the new girl (not quite Zooey Deschanel-like, but I do like to make others laugh) and remember the perspective of being an outsider.

The group and church, is going through a series on "Lies We Believe". Last night, we talked about shame. Feeling shamed, shaming others, shaming yourself...

As I sat there and listened to the girls, I started thinking about areas of my life I've felt shame or shamed others. As most of you know, I was home schooled. In high school, I did attend the public school for electives. I was looking forward to it for various reasons, one being largely surrounded by non-Christians. Growing up, my core group of friends were fellow Believers. And I am still thankful to this day I still consider them friends. Attending the public high school, I saw I could invite these new friends to youth group, retreats, church etc.

Weeks in to freshman year, a kid had labeled me and a few others "The Z Squad". I later learned it mean the Zealot Squad, and he meant it negatively (why are kids so mean??). I was so over high school and ready for college - even after the first day, freshman year. Reaching out to non-Christian friends became a struggle as I was apart of groups that morphed and changed dynamics through out the years or even the extent of being pushed out of cliques. Who wants to feel unwanted? It's safe to say, my college years were much better - friendships, ministry, the experience as a whole - much better.

Anyways, I am thankful that the "shameful" example I thought of didn't weigh me down for forever. By God's grace, He revealed truth to me that what others think of me doesn't matter - especially when it comes to graciously sharing the gospel. And again by His grace, for this season of life, He has lead me to be a missionary. Psh and I'm even using my college degree of marketing to do it!

#whoknew #lieswebelieve #HeRedeems #thezsquad

Friday, February 22, 2013

StrengthFinder 2.0

Working with Campus Crusade, I've taken numerous personality, strength, character assesment tests.

  • Meyers Brings: Extrovert Sensing Thinking Judging
  • Pro-D: 1.Mission Area: Production Efficiency, Motivational Energy and Strategic Decisions. 2.Competencies Area: Natural Appreciation, Artistic Creativity, Strategic Decisions. 3. Career Values Area: Strategics Decisions, Entrepreneurial Challenge, Societal Change.
  • DISC: Drive Compliance
  • Birkman: Blue - Design/Strategy and Green - Sales/Marketing

Recently, I took another one - actually for the second time. Have you ever taken "StrengthFinders 2.0"?

I took it 2.5 years ago and previously had: 

1. Maximizer
2. Activator
3. Analytical
4. Significance
5. Achiever. 

Cool to see 3 new strengths surface! Now to learn how to grow and utilize them...

Monday, February 11, 2013

"Till He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I stand..."

"Till He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I stand..."

Such powerful lyrics. Yesterday at church, we sang this song and it hit me. This is not my home.

Especially in America, I think we can get caught up in the materialism society throws our way. In fact, I think it is a level of spiritual warfare. It's a great distraction for those who don't know Christ as their personal Savior, but also for us as believers to do as Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:18-20:
"Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 
For non-Christians, Satan wants nothing more than to keep them from a personal relationship with God. For believers, Satan wants nothing more than to keep us from sharing the Gospel with them. Satan wants all of us to believe that earth, this mortal life we are currently living, is home.

Fact is, it's not. In John 14:1-3, Jesus tells us that "there is more than enough room for us in His Father's home." As believers, His children, Heaven is also our home.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

January by the numbers

1: Missed flight connection. Pretty good all things considered having so many flights!
3: Continents in two weeks - North America, Asia and Europe.
5: Meals of Pad Thai, four eaten for consecutive meals.
11: Movies watched on airplanes.
13: Flights through nine airports.
14: Bed accommodations since the beginning of the month.
17: Packets of EmergenC taken to avoid getting sick.
18: Hours back in Orlando between Thailand and Spain.
19: STINT teams we talked with about the Jesus Film app.
27: Days living out of a suitcase - guys, that is a long time. I forgot what other clothes I had packed away!
30: Thai Bot to the USD.
35: Countries with STINT teams in them.
60: US dollars for a box of Cheezits that we brought for the “World Bazaar Auction” which went to aid non-profits in these regions of the world.
78: Hours spent in airplanes.
6,000: Dollars donated at the auction from the missionaries at the MidYear.
34,432: App downloads for Android and iOS since it first launched in October.
34,921: Miles flown.