Thursday, April 25, 2013

The disciples make me laugh

Recently for my quiet times, I've been reading through the gospels, "watching" Jesus. Mainly as I see Him interact with His disciples, I'm learning two things.

1. The disciples were so ignorant, it made me laugh many times! They daily questioned Jesus with what He was doing or saying. He often referred to them as "Oh you of little faith" - and they physically walked with and talked with Jesus. They sort of make me feel better when I think I'm "weak" in my faith.

2. Jesus always answered with kind and gentle words. His responses were always seasoned with grace and love.  He was 100% faithful and never got fed-up with them. 

The word "Christian" refers to 'little-Christ's. As believers, we've been given the gift of Holy Spirit, through salvation, the acceptance of a relationship with God. Therefore, He lives within us and calls us to live like Jesus did. That's one of the reasons Jesus came - to be an example for us in how to live life here on earth. And He is ready and willing to help us in that.

I know there are many times I don't utilize His help, and rely on myself - fail. Depending on myself is a set up for failure! I'm only human. But, when walking in step with the Spirit, I am not living out of my own power or abilities - and as much as I want to think I've "got it together" on my own, I don't. And won't without Him! 

Truly responding to others out of grace, kindness and love, I really need His guidance. And I'm thankful He is actively there to help and shows me how through Scripture.

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