Thursday, January 31, 2013

Prayer Request!

Joy* joined staff with me this summer and is about to report as International Campus Staff (ICS). She met her team here at the MidYear and will return with them to North Africa - Lord willing.

Two years ago, Joy, along with her STINT team, were kicked out of a Middle Eastern country half way through the year. Last year, she decided to STINT a second year in another Middle Eastern country. After MidYear 2012, when she landed in the airport, she was denied reentry and was forced to leave everything and move back to the States for the remainder of the year.

Tomorrow, Joy is flying back to this North African country. She is trusting God to be let in so she can ministry to the women in this country.

Would you please pray for Joy as she returns?

Please pray for peace and restful sleep tonight.
Please pray for a safe flight.
Please pray for angels to surround her as she walks through customs.
Please pray the security overlooks any records her name may pull up.
Please pray she safely gets all her belongings and gets home to her apartment.

I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, Joy did not get in to her country. She is now back at home in the USA, working with other staff on next steps. I will keep you posted as I hear... Please pray God would give her peace and surround her with His angels as this is clearly spiritual warfare.
